Wedding Secrets

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To all the readers of this story, because you are amazing!

After the Potters moved in their new house, Ron and Hermione got to spend a lot more time together at home, or rather Ron would spend hours watching Hermione turn the pages of massive books and bring her cups of Butterbeer or hot chocolate while she read. Sometimes she ended up falling asleep with her head on his chest, sometimes she pulled him down and kissed him deeply, sometimes she put down her book and announced it was time to make dinner. Hermione wasn't a good cook, though Ron never dared to bring that up. They would make dinner side by side, one peeling potatoes while the other cooked rice or fish or anything they had desire to eat that evening.
Hermione's salmon would turn out half burnt and her rice too salty. Ron would arrange something else and say things like that can happen and there wasn't a problem it their dinner was burnt. Hermione would sigh heavily and agree, but the next day she would want to try again and the food would end up burnt anyway.
"What in the name of Merlin happened this time?" she would cry after tasting the nth cake she'd tried to bake.

You forgot the yeast.

Too much sugar.

Too little sugar.

You left it to cook for too long.

You forgot to butter the pan.

It said three level spoons, these are nearly five spoons!

Have you added the milk, love?

"The milk's finished, okay??" she sighed in defeat, "I had made a mental note to ask your mother some, but then I forgot because we went to visit Bill and then I had papers to do and I really needed to write Mary an owl because Dorothy -- " Ron wrapped his arms around her waist, "Shh, love. It's okay. I can help if you want."
Hermione shook her head, "I'm too tired now." she wishpered. She felt her muscles go still for the barest second when Ron's hands began massaging her shoulders slowly. "But I remembered everything else this time, didn't I?" she asked hopefully.
"You did great, Mione." Ron reassured her.

"You know what?" she asked, lost in her thoughts, "When we're going to get married, we'll buy the cake at that bakery shop in tow---" Hermione's hand flew to her mouth and her cheeks reddened a little. She hadn't intended to bring it up. She cleared her voice. "I mean..." her gaze went down at Ron's arms around her for a moment. She could still see the pink-silver thin scars the brains that had attacked him in the Brain Chamber at the Ministry, leaving permanent marks on his arms. When she spoke, she didn't look at him. "Would you like to get married like Ginny and Harry did, one day?"
It had been almost two years since Harry and Ginny's wedding, and yet Ron hadn't said a word about that matter.
She felt Ron's hands on her waist gently turn her towards him so she was looking at him in the eyes. "Of course I want to, Mione."
Hermione's eyes twinkled and she found herself grinning at him foolishly.
"I would love to marry you," Ron said, "but we've got to get things done the right way before... I haven't asked your father yet or done any of the traditional things -"
"Who cares about tradition?"
Ron opened his mouth, then closed it, speechless. If Hermione was so eager for them to get married, why - -
Suddenly he felt his body weight shift, a hand pulling his shirt and his back hit with the wall behind him hard. It was as if his breath had been knocked out of his lungs.  Hermione's mouth was on his immediately, her body pressed against his with her full weight as she kissed him hungrily, fiercely. When he finally managed to recover and his arms were working as they should have again, Ron forsed Hermione away from him, just a few inches. The barest push, and it was as if she'd come back to her senses. Hermione took a step back abruptly and stared intensely at the floor. Ron couldn't see her expression now.
"What the hell was that for?" he almost cried, rubbing his back.
"Sorry." Hermione looked up now, and Ron noticed there were tears in her eyes. "I didn't mean to." she went in quietly, "I just... I don't know what I was thinking. It's as if my body acted on its own." she blinked to clear her view, "I'm sorry."

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