Luna's Surprise

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"Harry! Guess what? Luna invited us at her and Rolf's home for tea this afternoon." Ginny said as she ran down two flights of stairs and jumped the last steps, lamding on the carpet with the agility of a cat and hurtling in the living room. Harry was sitting on the floor with Teddy, while Ron was asleep on the couch, his head on Hermione's lap as she flipped through the pages of Magical Creatures: rights and law.
"Sounds brilliant." Harry looked up from the game of exploding snap he was playing with Teddy on the carpet and grinned at her. "But we haven't even ever met Luna's... husband?"
"Yeah. It's what I'm saying, it'd be about time we get to know him."
"Do you know where they live?" asked Hermione from the couch. She looked up from the book she was reading and rubbed her eyes tiredly.
Ginny nodded. "Yes, I do. I've been there once. It's not far from Xeno's, really. I think Luna didn't want to move too far from home now that her father... Well, he's got a certain age."
"Can Teddy come?" asked Harry glancing at the little blue-haired boy in front of him. Teddy gave Ginny a pleading look, his eyes turning green in the way he knew she liked. "Please?"
Ginny sighed, "OK. But you'll have to be patient while we're having tea, and you can't turn upside-down every room you step into, understood?"
Teddy nooded and gave her a bright smile.
"Thanks mum."


That morning seemed to last forever. Hermione seriously couldn't tell how long she'd been sitting at her desk, filling in the papers she'd been working on for weeks along with Dorothy and Mary. Her fingers were still stained in ink. She'd forgotten to wash them after that morning's incident.
That morining she'd been still half-asleep when she'd flooed to work, and she hadn't noticed anything until a Weasley Wizard Wheezes Double Dribble Quill had literally exploded in Mary's hands, sending ink everywhere. The poor girl had just picked it up to write a letter to the Spirit Division Office to have more information on the law that stated there had to be a maximum number of Billywigs in every country, but how couldn't find how many there were Australia anywhere. Eventually, the fake quill would've blown up in the girl's face before Hermione could've had the time to warn her. That didn't just provoke Mary a nearly-historical crisis, but also big splashes of ink on the papers all over the tables and on the employees' work clothes.
If that wasn't enough, Mary's scream had drawn attention from the nearest offices, from which people had rushed down the corridor to see what was going on. It had been noteworthy how the girls had managed to keep the unwanted eyes away from the big mess they'd made and dispel the crowd. They'd spent most of the morning cleaning up the the traces of the accident, muttering insults to George Weasley and tergeo charms alike.
"Hermione? Hermione? Earth to Hermione. Come in Hermione."
Hermione jumped in surprise. "Oh, sorry -- I doozed off a little."
"I noticed that." said Dorothy with a roll of her eyes, "Do you know where the documents on the movements of the Giants? I can't find them."
"Dorothy, have you seen those boring papers on the history of Trolls?" asked Mary getting up from her desk, too. "If I haven't finished them up by this afternoon Ms Geral will have my head."
"I haven't." replied Dorothy with a glare. She was really starting to sound annoyed now. But really, who could blame her after that morning's events?
"But then where are -- what are you doing?"
"You--" But Dory's fingers, that had been about to touch Mary's cheek, were suddenly slapped away by the girl's hand.
Hermione saw the look of hurt flash on Dory's face for a second. "You... You had ink on your face."
"Sorry." Mary blushed furiously. She abruptly stepped back and transfigured something Hermione couldn't make out into a little mirror and started rubbing away the stain on her left cheek. She would resfuse to look at them.
Hermione searched Dory's eyes, but the girl was looking in the opposite direction, staring at Merlin-knows-what.
Hermione rolled her eyes and walked back to her seat.
How was someone suppose to work with those two?


Hermione didn't have words to describe the house in front of her. Really. You may as well imagine the most bizarre house, and I wouldn't be wrong saying your first thought was not a tree.
Honestly though? A tree?
Who would think of a tree? Who would want to live in a tree-house - or whatever that thing is called - for that matter?

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