Dumbledore's Army... Camping!

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January had gone by in a clap of hands in Harry's opinion, but then at the same time he would never forget the long hours spent in the library or by the fire in the common room studying.

Every essay assigned was at least five inches longer than the previous year, and lessons were more complicated than ever.

Hermione had grown more and more stressed as January slipped away, partly because she didn't seem to think the hours of studying and extra reading were enough to pass the exams, partly because she had decided to begin studying Alchemy this year.

Not a lot of students at Hogwarts decided to study Alchemy. It was a very difficult subject recommended only for particularly gifted students or the ones particularly interested in the subject. Since Harry felt like none, he decided Alchemy wasn't for him.

The lessons were two times a week and lasted barely an hour each, although Hermione spent hours doing Alchemy assignments in the library and reading her textbooks.

"How come they give you so much homework, anyway? I doubt you are so far behind of the others if there are sixth years taking your Alchemy class." asked Ron one day when she refused to play chess with him for the seventh time that week, saying she had to complete her homework.

"There is only one sixth year Ravenclaw girl in my Alchemy class, the others are all eighth year students." She replied without even looking up from her assignment. "It's more difficult than Arithmancy!"

Then of course there were the night rounds and the meetings with the prefects she and Harry had to lead. It was exhausting. Sometimes she wondered if they shouldn't have come back to school for another year.

In February Hermione had another thing (to add at the already very long list) to worry about: her future job.

One day at breakfast an owl from the Ministry of Magic landed straight into Ginny's bowl of cereals (squirting milk all over her school robes).

They later discovered the owl had been meant to bring Hermione the letter, but it'd apparently confused her with Ginny. Or maybe ger with a bowl.

Anyway, everyone in the Great Hall had turned to look at the owl as it shrieked and messily emerged from Ginny's bowl, scumpering and fluttering on the dark wood of long house table. Hermione quickly read the letter before letting out a sigh of relief. She didn't manage to hide her smile well enough.

"What?!" Ron, Harry and Ginny had asked in unison in unison. Hermione had just handed them the letter.

It was an offer of work from the Ministry that said that when she'd finish her studies she was more than welcome to take place at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

"What are you going to say?" asked Ginny, who had already been contacted from various professional Quidditch Teams over the last month.

"Most likely yes. I'm sure I could make S. P. E. W. grow if I worked there, but first I want to see if there will be other offers of work..."

"Herm will be a magical creatures' rights protector and Ginny will be a Quidditch star. I will probably end up as a baker, but nevertheless..." Ron tried to hide his pride by turning it into mocking. Hermione, of course, saw right through it. "I can already see you, little sister. All muscly and... "

"Shut. Up." growled Ginny, who was currently sitting on Harry's lap.

"And stop calling me Herm." Added Hermione, giving him a look.

"Okay, okay. Bloody hell --"

"And you Ron? What do you want to be?" Hermione asked curiously.

"A baker?"

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