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      Adora POV:

      The Horde bots had some new bots and weapons up their sleeves this time. Still no match for the best friend squad. I had a bad feeling after though since it didn't take us long to beat them and Catra wasn’t with them. We haven't seen Catra since that night a few months ago and we still didn't know why.

      That night I couldn’t sleep at all. I was up pacing the window and looking out towards the woods. My thoughts running around in my head like what if they are planning something bigger, what if they are destracting us or what if we all falling into another trap. I didn't mean to but also managed to wake up Glimmer. "Adora? You alright?" She yawned and made her way off the bed towards me. 

      We took a seat on the window seal and she started to rub my back making me jump and blush at the same time. "Of course I am" I said, avoiding eye contact with her so she wouldn’t see the pain in my eyes. That didn’t work though because she pulled my face to face her, locking eye contact.

     "Adora, I can tell when something is wrong." I sighed and took her hand from my face and held them on my own. "Glim, it’s nothing to worry about, I promise." "Adora it is something if it is bothering you." I felt my eyes start to burn with tears and then felt one escape as I turned away.

     "I am weak, maybe the Horde and shadow weaver was right. Love and change makes me more weak and unfocused." "Adora, they are not right, that only makes you stronger. Why would you say that?" 

    "Today when we were fighting I thought it was too easy and I kept being worried about something happening again." I could tell she was trying to figure out what I was talking about then it clicked. "You're talking about your care for us and Catra. How was the last time you hurt Catra and got us in trouble?" I just nodded my stupid dreams and selfishness put everyone in danger. 

   "Adora, that wasn’t your fault and you're not selfish." It was like she could read my mind sometimes. "Glimmer I still can’t forget any of it, I almost lost you both…" Before I could say anything else she put her finger up to my lips telling me to be quiet. "I almost lost you to…"

   "I am sorry Glim, I didn’t mean, ughhh there's just something wrong with me. It is my fault that I can't forget, move on, all of it." Glimmer then pulled me into a hug squeezing me tight before letting me go and cupping my face again. 

  "Adora, nothing is your fault you were the victim to the Horde and to Catra while you were missing for so long as she put all those thoughts into your head. It will take some time to recover from all that and it never truly goes away. I am here though, you won’t lose me and you're not alone. I can help you manage it and help you, if you let me."

     I gave her a little smile and nodded back putting my hands on top of hers now that rested on my face. "They hurt you and us that is why we can’t move on and forgive yet." Before she said anything else I pulled her in towards a kiss. After we pulled away she was still a little in shock. I laughed a little and smiled, "Thank you glim." 

   "Umm yeah of course, anytime." Replying back with a smile of her own. After we made our way back to the bed, we wrapped ourselves together getting ready to drift away into sleep. "Hey Adora?"

     I opened my eyes and looked at her, "Yes Glimmer?" "Are you happy that things changed though, you know with me and you and everything?" I pulled her in closer in my arms kissing her forehead. "Of course I am. I love all of you and nothinhg will change that." Not long after we both fell asleep. 

My other half ( book two of Love struck)Where stories live. Discover now