Crystal Castle

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Adora POV:

   I sprinted as fast as I could to the Castle trying to keep my nervousness at bay knowing they would affect the way this would play out. I didn’t know what was to expect but the power and pull in me became stronger with every step I took making me go even faster. I arrived not too soon running in and seeing light hope arranging the Hearts pieces together. A sword in the middle surrounded by all the other runestones. 

   "Light Hope! Please, don’t do this!" "Good Adora. You are here. Now the real process can begin. After this my programming and mission will finally be fulfilled." My sword started to pull me in her direction. It took me all I  had to pull it back. "No Light Hope it won’t help anything. It will make things worse. Look at what problems it has already caused."

    "Soon we will rise again, Adora, with you as our mighty warrior. That is why I used all my strength to reach across the entire universe to find you and bring you here." My heart stopped for a minute hearing that I have been lied to yet again by someone I thought I could trust. "You told me Hordak was the one who brought me here but it was you all along! All of this is your fault!"

    "This is your destiny Adora, you will bring Glory to this planet. It is what you were born to do." "No. no, I won’t!" "You are too late Adora, The Heart of Etheria has already indeed been activated. There is no chance of stopping it now. You are going to be the one to fire it." I wasn’t going to let this happen but the pull was too much holding me on the ground, my veins glowing a light purple. 

     It started to suck all the power I felt inside me out into my sword and a tornado of power formed above me crashing into the sword like a magnet collecting it all. The force of this pushed the sword so far down into the ground that the ground cracked underneath of me. "It won’t work." Remembering what the She Ra before me said." Mara hid in despondos so you couldn’t hurt anyone else." "Mara just caused a small delay in the process but no longer. With the planet now balanced the power can now be restored."

     Looking out the window I saw the whole world filled with the color pink and the planet started moving as I became weaker by my power being drained. Also seeing the power being drained from all the other princess making them weak as they fell to there knees in pain, there veins glowing a light purple to. The wound on my side opened up and began bleeding again due to the pressure of the hold on my body still keeping me down. After a big flash of pink light I saw what looked like stars. We got what seems to be transported back out of the protective shield we have been in for many years. 

    "Do you know what you just did! You put us all in danger! Look outside and see what it is doing to the people already! Mara sacrificed her life to stop this from happening, To keep us all safe, why don’t you see that?" "Mara was a traitor! She turned against all of us!" "Mara was your friend Light Hope just like I am now. We knew you were more than just a program. You can stop this!" "I am not as strong as you two, I can’t fight my program." Her eyes glowed a dark purple, changing my Runestone in my sword purple with it as she tried to lift it up. 

    "No!" I pulled using every last ounce of energy left but it wasn't enough. "This is not my destiny!" "You will do this Adora, I will make you." The sword raised back up in the air releasing all the trapped energy along with it. "It is time Adora." "No, I won't be controlled anymore!” I had one more shot at stopping Light Hope now and within this moment I knew what had to be done. "I am ending this now!" "No stop. Don't do it!" 

    I managed to pull the sword down as I slammed it down to the ground breaking it into many pieces in the process, it was gone and so was the Heart. "Adora, thank you." Light hope vanished with the heart leaving me sitting in the dark alone. I knew what I had to do next. This isn't the end just yet I could feel it but one thing was for sure I had to go help Glimmer.

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