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Bow POV: 

Adora looked more stressed when I got outside to the training area than when I saw her just yesterday. It also looked like she had no sleep whatsoever the night before and I wonder why. I know Adora pretty well and I don’t think it is just the key to saving everyone in her body. Before I even got to her all the bots were basically destroyed and she collapsed on her knees to the ground almost passing out so I ran to her. 

“Adora! You okay?”

“Yeah I umm, I am fine just tired.”

“Did you get any sleep last night?”

“Well, kinda… not really…”


“I don’t know because maybe I have so much on my shoulders that I am trying to keep up and I feel like I am being held down by it to where it is even hard to breathe. I keep having nightmares of stuff that can happen and can go wrong and I am afraid that Glimmer and Catra are planning something. So I have nightmares about stuff happening to them too!” 


“Don’t do that! Don’t use the pity voice! Everyone has been doing that with me and walking around me on eggshells afraid that I will break! I am not going to break, I chose to do this, I have to do this!” 

“Okay, I won’t but why do you think Glimmer and Catra are trying to do something?” 

“Well, I woke up last night and didn’t see Glimmer by me so I freaked out and started to look for her. She wasn’t in the room but when I went to the window she was out there talking to Catra and it looked like a serious conversation. Then when she came back in she said she will not let anything happen to me.” 

“That does sound odd… speaking of them. When I went in for breakfast they were talking but when they saw me they went quiet.” 

“We have to keep an eye on them Bow. Will you help me? I don’t want you or them getting hurt.” 

“Of course.” 

I feel like Adora is right about Glimmer and Catra and I hate seeing her like this so if there is a little something I can do to help I will. Maybe I can try talking to Glimmer about it too and see if I can find anything out. I am pretty good at reading her and her emotions too since we basically grew up together. We were still sitting on the ground because Adora was still lightheaded and I heard a teleport sound, speak of the devil. 

“Adora! You okay? What happened?”

“Yes, I am okay just tired.”

“You don’t need to train all the time, let's get you to bed.”

“Thank you Glimmer.”

We both helped her up and put one of her arms over each of our shoulders so we could carry her up to the bedroom. When we got up there and lay her down she was basically already sleeping and so she passed out. I and Glimmer left the room and started walking to the training area to clean up. 

“So how did you sleep Glim?” 

“Um okay, hard to sleep with Adora having all the nightmares. I kept waking up and calming her down before sleeping again.”

“Yeah, it definitely looked like she didn’t get a lot of sleep to.”


“I see that you and Catra are kinda close now.”

“Maybe, mostly just have the bond from the ship I guess, she was the only one I had.” 

“Yeah but you guys also looked like you were talking about something important at breakfast before I came in.”

“Umm not really.” 

That was the sign she stuttered her words and looked away from me when she said not really, she lied. So Adora was right something is going on with her and Catra and it is so big she won’t even tell me and Adora. So that makes me think it definitely have something to do with Adora and the fight against Prime.

My other half ( book two of Love struck)Where stories live. Discover now