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Glimmer POV:

-Back at the castle in the present- 

   "Hey guys sorry about the late notice to this meeting but I got big news!" I had all the princesses here so far: Spinnerella, Scropia, Mermista, Perfuma, Frosta, Netossa along with Shadow Weaver. Shadow Weaver, like Scropia, ran away from the Hordes' control and came here. At first she didn't trust her either but not long after we healed her and she became my mentor to my magic. Then Adora is on her way to get the missing princess we need on Beast island as we speak! 

"Ooooo does it involve me punching people with my ice fists!" "It will indeed be Frosta!" "Ughhhh is it the Horde again?" "Yeah, sadly it is Mermista but this time they are planning on releasing a bigger power with the Heart of Etheria." "Didn’t Adora say it would be really bad, The Heart of Etheria?" "Yes, Perfuma she did, but hear me out I got a plan that will help and stop Catra and the Horde."

   "We're listening,Glimmer. What do you got?" "So I talked to Light Hope before this meeting to get more information on the Heart of Etheria before I brought the plan to you guys. She told me that all of the princesses have to be connected to their Runestons for it to be able to work and doing so we could take it before Catra can but we are still missing one more piece…" I singled Scropia to come in, keeping her out till the big reveal! 

   "What the hell is she doing here?" "I am going to hit her with my ice fist!" "Not if I attack here with flower power first!" "We got your back, come on Spinnerella!" Quickly I made a quick blast knocking them all back down into their chairs. "No one is hurting or attacking Scropia…" "But.." "No buts Frosta. Scropia distorted the Horde because she hated what they were doing and wanted to help so she came here. She is also the missing piece I was talking about Scropia this is where you come in." 

"Ummm hey everyone, nice to see you again. Glimmer is right but there is one tiny problem…" We all looked at Scropia now in confusion. "What would that be Scropia?" "I actually don’t think I am the piece. I don’t even think I am a princess, just look at me!" Holding her claws out and snapping then she curled up into a ball putting her head down into her lap. 

"Scropia I believe in you, we all do and we will all help you connect to your Runestone. We can’t do this without you." "Okay, I will try but I still don’t know if it will work but let's say it does. What's the next step?" "Right now Adora is at Beast island getting Entrapta back but the Horde will soon attack to distract us. You guys will stay here and defend Brightmoon while I get Scropia to her black garnet and stop Catra. By the time Adora gets back the keys will be set in place leaving The Heart of Etheria to start to turn on so we have to do this fast before Catra can get it." 

"What if the plan doesn’t work?" "Then we hope for the best Netossa but this is our only chance to even be able to possibly stop them." "In that case I am in!" "Us to!" I liked the sound that everything is going to plan now. We just hope that we can do it in the time limit we have. "Alright ladies let's get set up for war!"

Not long ago everyone got their weapons of choice but I still couldn’t find one for me. "Glimmer, can you come with me for a second?" "Sure what’s up Shadow weaver?" "I got something I know both your dad and mother would have wanted you to have." "Your mother told me to give it to you if anything happened." I am very surprised my mom trusted her with this information but she has come a long way since she came to us then who she was before. 

She led me down the hall to the weapons room. "Ummm I have already been in here Shadow Weaver?" "Nonsense child you don’t know about this…" Pushing a plate on the wall a door opened revealing a Sorcerer staff in it’s place. "This was your dad’s, he used it with his magic and from our training I think you are ready for it." Picking up the staff she came my way bending down and holding it up for me to grab it. "I don’t know what to say…thank you." "Of course my queen now let's go meet the others, they are ready." I made my way out seeing my team and the Horde starting to approach. "Right on time. Get in your positions me and Scropia will be back."

Grabbing  Scropia I made my way past all the soldiers as I teleported all the way to the Horde. When we got to the Black Garnet Catra was already there setting up some machine with Hordak. "Funny seeing you here Sparkles." "I could say the same for you Catra." "Your too late sparkles soon your team and you will be dead leaving me to take Enternia for myself." "Over my dead body Catra." "As you wish princesse."   

Me and Catra started fighting, distracting her enough for Scropia to gain her connection back with the Black Garnet. "Woah I did it!" "Scropia? You're here too? What did you do?" "What she did was take the last piece you were missing for the heart of Etheria." "Oh sparkles, you just made it easier for me." Before Catra was able to get another hit Scropia hit her, knocking her to the ground. "Sorry wildcat, this is for your own good." 

    Unlocking the last piece we were starting to Glow that also means that Adora is back with Entrapta. "It’s working!" With The Heart of Etheria growing the ground started shaking, knocking me and everyone else in the Black Garnet chamber out. Everything soon went black and I didn’t know where I was. 

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