The Plan

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Glimmer POV:

I feel like Bow knows that I am up to something, he isn’t wrong though. That is why I am also okay with Scropia being here so she can help me with Catra and not have Adora get hurt anymore. "So how does Catra feel about you leaving the horde?" "She probably hasn’t noticed yet if I am being honest she is too obsessed with taking over and destroying Adora’s life since she broke her heart. I am guessing you are the girl that got Adora instead of the one Catra talks about and calls Sparkles?"

I hate when Catra calls me that, "Yeah that is me, the one and only Sparkles! If you call me that though I will blast you!" "Noted!" "If you don’t mind me asking what is Catra’s plan?" "I don’t know the whole plan, she kinda didn’t let anyone help and just told us where to go and what to do. I do know though it isn’t good she started working with Hordak again before I left. She talked about destroying you to get to Adora and releasing something called the prime using The Heart of Etheria."

"Prime?" "Yeah it is supposed to be a higher power or something, idk." This made me nervous. It is a lot more than I expected with Catra and the Horde. I have also heard Adora talk about the heart of Etheria a couple times but everytime she talks about it it’s never good and doesn't go well in the end, if only she knew everything else involved with this too. I have to stop Catra before this even starts and before Adora figures it all out.

"Do you know when Catra is planning on doing this plan?" "She said it wasn’t long after hurting and injuring Adora so she can’t get in the way and so the heart of Etheria is more attainable but there is still a missing piece she needs." "Adora has already been hurt, so we don’t have much time. I have a plan and I will start a princess emergency meeting later tonight, thank you for your help Scropia."

Not long after we were in her room, "well we made it, make yourself at home and I will come by later to get you for the meeting." I have to go do some research on my own now so I can figure out the missing piece we need for The Heart of Etheria. I feel like if we can figure it out before Catra we can find a way to use it against her. I know just where to go though I have to go see Light Hope because I know Adora won’t talk to me about this or agree with me. 

I grabbed some supplies and decided to leave and say it is for a planning meeting if I get caught leaving. I arrived and was able to get in but there was no sight of light hope. "Light Hope? Light Hope, the queen of brightmoon demands to talk to you. On behalf of the Great Rebellion, I need you to answer my questions."

"Temporary administrator access granted to queen Glimmer of Brightmoon." "Light Hope? Is that you?" "The Crystal Castle is indeed only for She Ra and her steed. You're trespassing." "I am here for The Heart of Etheria, I want more information on it. Adora is too afraid to talk about it." "Adora is not willing to do what is necessary to protect Etheria. Adora has made much progress but she still hasn’t balanced all of Etheria yet. If the planet is not balanced The Heart of Etheria cannot be accessed."

"Balance the planet?" What does that mean and how do I do that?" "There is still one piece still missing. The princesses are conduits for the Heart’s power. They must all be connected to their Runestones for the heart of Etheria to function." "Then that missing piece will give us the heart of Etheria?" "Yes, the final piece is a princess who has not yet accepted her destiny. A princess robbed of her power by the Horde’s medding." "Scropia!" 

     With that I made my way fast back to the castle but when I got there Bow and Adora were gone leaving a note on her bed. “Me and Bow went to go save Entrapta from Beast Island, promise I will be okay and Bow will be with me. I hope the meeting goes well. I told Scropia to tell you to. I am sorry I didn’t talk to you before leaving but I promise I had a good reason and will explain everything when I get back, love you Glimmer.” 

     I was kinda upset with them for doing this but I did something just like that and still doing it for a good reason so I can’t really be mad, I am just worried. If my plan is going to work though we do need all of the princesses for it to work. For now I will go to the meeting and continue the plan as scheduled. "Guards tell the others there is an emergency meeting in the throne room." "Will do my queen." As they left I went to get Scropia then head to the throne room to wait for the other but they were already there. "So what's up Glimmer?"

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