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Glimmer POV:

Catra tries to hide it but she is just as alone and as much a prisoner as I am. Every night she gets put back in the cell and when she is out she is watched 24/7. We have surprisingly kinda got closer while being up here together and I don’t know if I hate it or if I like it. 

A few days ago there was a problem that happened with Catra and prime. She was standing outside my cell and I knew someone was there but they wouldn't say anything and just stood there. Until, "Catra you should not be here!" It was one of the guards, apparently Catra was the one watching me. "I..I wasn’t…" "Prime has said that no one should speak or disturb the queen. You have broken the rules, again."

"So what! He has more important things to worry about besides me." "It isn’t your choice to decide what Prime’s main importances are!" I just stood in quiet against my door listening, why did Catra break the rules for me anyways and what is going to happen. Soon I didn’t hear the guard talking to Catra anymore, it was Prime himself. 

"Little sister, why do you constantly decide to break my rules? One more strike and you will face consequences. Now leave the queen alone." After the talk the guard opened my cell and took me out to go on a daily walk. 

When I was leaving I glanced over my shoulder at Catra, maybe she was more alone then I thought. I tried on each of my walks to find an escape room of some sort when I found a way out of my cell. This walk was different though, this time I was meeting Lord Prime. "Ahh queen Glimmer I was expecting you. I wanted to speak to you about Catra and joining my Army."

"I will never join you!" "I thought you might say that. You and Catra have gotten close haven't you?" "What does that matter to you?" "Oooo Glimmer just look at all the world I have already brought to peace." "You mean worlds you destroyed?" "I know deep down you wanna help Glimmer. I only wanna use your weapon to bring peace to your world as well. If you want your friends safe and Catra, I would reconsider my offer."

"What do you mean by that?" "I won’t punish Catra in place for you and then your friends will stay safe, you have my word." "Your lying. The heart will destroy everything and everyone! My answer stays the same. I will not help you." "Fine I will just have to do this the hard way." 

After I got tooken back to my cell and sat in silence till I heard footsteps and a familiar face popped up in my cell door. "What come to make fun of me some more. You know you shouldn't be here. You need to leave." She then started to leave but for some reason I wanted her to stay. "Wait! Please can you stay for a little bit?" "Okay…"

She walked back over and sat against my cell door me doing the same with my back against hers. "Why do you risk coming here? Lord prime will catch you again you know?" "I don’t know, just bored I guess." "You want someone to talk to, don't you. I mean it’s nice even if you're the last one I wound want to spend it with." "Trust me I feel the same way Sparkles. So what would you be doing if we were still back home?" 

"I would probably be eating cake with Bow and Adora. Then after we would play games and finish with a nice night cuddling up with Adora before drifting to sleep. Did Adora use to sleep fight when she was still at the Horde?" Catra laughed before she responded, which was the first time I think I ever heard her laugh for real. "She always used to do that. She could never relax even in her sleep." 

"What about you? What would you be doing if we were still home?" "Id…" Our conversation got cut off short again when Lord Prime caught her again. "Catra this is strike three...Remember what I said?" Lord prime’s hair started to shoot at her before I stepped in."Wait! It wasn’t Catra’s fault, it was mine, punish me instead. You only really want me anyways" "Sparkles no!" 

Smerking a evil smerk he responded. "As you wish, princess. I will be back to get you tonight." Just like that he disappeared and Catra ran off. Not long though she came back with cake and came into my cell. "What is this?" "I don’t know why you did that sparkles but I wanted to try to make your day special before you know." "Wow thanks?" "Catra then pulled me in close and whispered in my ear, "I know a way out, come on!" 

This was my chance to get Catra out of here because I knew she was going to try to stop my plan so I played along and went with her. We started to walk down the hall fast till we ran into a soldier. "Why is the queen out of her cell?" "Follow my lead." She whispered. "The princess just wanted some air!" Then she jumped and attacked him, knocking him to the ground while I hit the two behind me. She tried to put me into a teleport chamber when the sirens went off but I flipped her in locking her in before she could escape.

   "Sparkles what are you doing? I was going to get you out of here!" "I am helping a friend. You need to tell Adora and Bow to forget about me. It isn't safe for them. I don’t want them to get hurt even more." "Sparkles you know that won’t work!" I quickly sent a communication request to Adora’s ship and someone answered. "Adora?" "Glimmer? Where are you, are you okay?" 

"I am fine but I am sending Catra to you but Ineed to stay here. You can’t come for me, it isn't safe." "Wait what is going on? Catra?" "Horde prime is ready for you guys. We don’t have much time." "Glimmer… I don’t understand…" "Adora, I love you!" "Glimmer come back!" 

Soon I was surrounded by soldiers trying to fight them off but couldn't, I was grabbed and taken to Lorde Prime’s throne room. "Glimmer, Glimmer, Glimmer. The ship changed course but your sacrifice will not save your friends. There is nowhere your friends can hide that I won’t find them." "It doesn’t matter what you do to me. My friends are gone and you can’t hurt them now, good luck finding them." "Oh Glimmer you're wrong, I will. For you, welcome to Lord Prime."

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