Finding out

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Glimmer POV:

    Ughhh this meeting has been lasting forever and nothing has even happened lately.It has only been a couple hours max but it feels like it has been the whole day. I know we should be prepared for when something does happen but for now there is no sign of something happening any time soon. 

Plus my my is kinda on something else right now aka my freakin girlfriend. Something happened and I don’t know what but I know it is something big. God sometimes I wish I could just get into her head and read her mind. Before I was able to think any harder on this I was snapped back into the present when I got yelled at by the council. 

"GLIMMER! ARE YOU LISTENING?" "Yes sorry I am just trying to come up with ideas that’s all." I said by cheeks radiating with embarrassment as I rubbing the back of my neck. "Okay… anyways back at the topic in hand." That is when I start to doze off again just staring at them as they continue to talk until finally I hear the words I have been waiting for. "Okay that is it for this meeting. See you all for the next meeting soon"

When I get out of the room I look outside and it is dark with only the light of the moon lighting up the castle. So I look at the time and it is almost midnight at night. I quickly make my way to me and Adora’s room. She is probably asleep already though but when I get to the room she is nowhere to be seen. 

This is when my mind shoots into overdrive thinking about every possible scenario. I hate when she does this because it worries the heck out of me because of what has happened in the past. With this I started to teleport to every room in the castle till I finally ended up outside. 

I find Adora punching the training bots and full of sweat but it looks like she has no energy or has taken a break all day. I wondered how long she has been out here, from her state it looks like it has been since I left for the meeting this morning. 

Sighing I made my way over to a hot and sweaty Adora which stopped hitting a bot to turn and look at me. "Hey Glim, I must have lost track of time. I’m sorry." Her body shakes as she tries to keep standing. "Ughhh Adora, how long have you been out here?"

I grab her arm pulling her to the nearest rock to sit on and she basically collapses on it as she sits by me. "I don’t know since you left for the meeting maybe…" "Adora, that was 4 hours ago. Have you really been out here for the whole 4 hours?" "She looks away putting her head down into her hands. 

"What is going on? You have never been like this before." "I just want to be ready when something happens that’s all and I have been slacking off lately." "So you decided that you are going to spend 4 hours pushing yourself to your breaking point without a break. What a great idea… NOT!" "What am I supposed to do Glimmer! If something happens I need to be able to protect everyone… I need to be able to protect you." 

I could barely hear her say that last part because she said it barely above a whisper. That tells me whatever is going on has something to do with me and she is worried that something bad is going to happen. It was silent for a while as I was trying to come up with what to say next but before I could say anything Adora beat me to it. 

"Last time I felt so helpless, there was nothing I could do. I was trapped there listening to everything, hearing their plan coming together and me feeling like I was being forgotten and replaced." She took a breath before she continued and I just listened, rubbing little patterns on her back to keep her calm. 

"When I saw their plan coming together I broke. I knew I probably already lost but now I was going to have to see my last bit of hope and strength break as they killed you guys in front of me." I didn’t know she felt this way this whole time. She has never mentioned it or showed that it was bothering her, till now.

"I thought about how I wouldn’t even get to tell you how I really felt. Now that I have it, I don’t wanna lose that or have anyone take it away." As she said this she looked towards the cold dark wood towards where the Horde is. Sending shivers up my spine I look back at Adora who looks as broke as when I saw her that day in the woods with Catra.

I turn to face her picking her chin up, making her look into my eyes now putting my other hand on her cheek. Her head falls limp into my hand as she brings a hand up to mine placing it on top. "Adora I never knew you felt that way but you would have never been forgotten and you're definitely not helpless. You're the strongest and hottest girl I know and you should never forget that or have anyone change that." 

This makes her eyes light up again as she smiles moving her other hand to my cheek pulling me into a soft kiss. I can feel fireworks and warmth fill my body as we kiss not wanting it to end but as she pulls away I feel cold again. I wanted to pull her in again but she starts talking again and says something that makes me worry.

"There is something else I should tell you and you may hate me…" "Adora I could never hate you, you can tell me anything, always." SItting up straight now she starts to play with her fingers not looking me in the eyes as she speaks. "Last night... when you were asleep... Catra may have come over…" 

I stared at her now, shocked with my mouth wide open to what she just said. Adora continued talking. "She said that she just wanted to talk and she actually said please so I thought it was super important to her. I agreed to talk to her but she wanted to talk outside so we wouldn’t wake you. I didn’t want to at first but agreed and went outside and she almost looked nervous."

Adora started to stiffen now as she continued to talk like she was remembering that night watching it replay in her head as she talked. "I thought there was still hope for Catra, that she was the Catra that I knew back in the Horde." She started to tear up now and she never really cries, which made me even more worried. 

"She thought she actually killed me that day and she was being strangely nice and I thought she was the old Catra again just for a bit but then…" She froze for a minute staring off into the distance again until I grabbed her hand making her jump. "Then what Adora?"

    Looking back down at her feet she continued to talk. "She then started talking again about how she wants me to go back with her and I told her she already knows my answer for that. Before I knew what was happening after that Catra pulled me in and kissed me making me pull away fast after."

    This made my blood boil. I already hated her but now I wanted to kill her. I stood up fast before Adora could continue talking. "SHE DID WHAT!" When I get a hold of her I swear!"

    Adora reached up and grabbed my arm looking at me with sympathetic eyes asking me to sit back down. Calming myself down I took a deep breath and sat back down giving her a nod to continue. "She told me she loved me and that she always have and never stopped loving me. I was still in shock until she asked me if I loved her back."

    This is where now my body stiffens up, afraid to hear her answer. I know she loved me but this is Catra the girl she grew up with. "I told Catra that I love her but not in the same way she loves me. I said I loved her like a sister and that's when her eyes turned dark again and she threatened to hurt you before running off again." 

    "So that's why you have been so jumpy around me today?" "Yes I thought you would hate me and leave or something was going to happen." I smile and take both Adoras hands into my own. "I will never hate you no matter what and I definitely would never leave you. Whatever happens we'll take it on together like we always do. Also news flash you are stuck with me if you like it or not sooo."

     This made her laugh, the happiest I have seen her all day. Placing a small kiss on her cheek I lifted us both up wrapping an arm around her and she did the same using me to keep her balance. "So you ready to finally go to bed and cuddle?" Adora laughs, giving a little nod yesss as we make our way back inside. 

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