Catching on

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Glimmer POV:

     I could feel the sun stinging  my face and the birds chirping as I started to wake up. Sitting myself up out of bed I yawned and stretched then looked over to see if Adora was still asleep. She definitely was not and it looked like she didn’t even get that much sleep. She was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the window. 

     I reached my hand out to rub her back. “Morning, Adora.” She jumped at the slight touch of my finger tips hitting her back and turned to look at me. After she did that you could see that she indeed didn't get much sleep. “Good morning Glimmer. How did you sleep?” “I should be asking you that. Did you get any sleep last night?”  

    "Yeah I got a little, just a lot on my mind, that's all." I could tell she was lying or wanted to tell me something but didn't want to yet. I was also awake when I heard Adora go to the window late last night and heard her talking to what seemed like another person. I just didn’t know who but by how she is acting I think I have a pretty good guess in mind. 

     "Okay, do you wanna talk about what’s on your mind?" "Umm not right now I kinda wanna just get some breakfast and coffee right now." She said with a laugh. I did the same back responding with, "sounds good lets do it. Maybe we will meet Bow on the way there or there."

      We got up and made our way to the door but before I could grab the handle Adora beat me to it. "After you." She said as she held the door open giving me a big bright smile. "Thank you." She is acting a little stranger and nicer than usual... what did happened last night? As we walked down the hall towards the dining hall Adora held my hand the whole way there too, in a death grip. 

       Bow was there when we got there waving at us when he saw us come in. Me and Adora got some chocolate muffins and milk and made our way over to where he was sitting. "Hey guys how did you sleep?" "I slept well , Adora on the other hand..." I said as I looked slowly in her direction, Bow following my lead. "What, I already told you I have a lot on my mind. I am okay guys really." 

      "Haha I know I know I'm just giving you a hard time that’s all." "Are you ready for the big queen meeting today Glimmer?" Bow asked, turning his eyes from Adora to me now. I forgot all about the queen meeting but we can pretend we are ready. "Yup, I am ready. What time is it again?" Good one Glimmer you don’t even remember the time to the meeting, like that helps. Bow just started to laugh at me then said, "You forgot didn’t you?"

      "Whatttt no I would never…. yes." With that Bow started to laugh at me again and I felt my face turn red with embarrassment. Bow saw this then stopped laughing and got serious again. "It is in about an hour so you have plenty of time and it’s on to the next move on the Horde." From the corner of my eye when bou said that last part I could see Adora’s body stiffen. 

      "You okay Adoa." I asked as I grabbed her hand. She looked down at it then moved her hand away. "Yes, I am okay, you better get ready for your meeting." I sighed then got up to make my way back to the room to change and get ready. Hopefully she tells me later tonight, I can tell it is really bothering her but I can’t force her to tell me. "See you later and good luck," I hear them both shout as I leave the room.

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