Final battle part 2

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Glimmer POV:

Glimmer was shot and Catra helps her up and asked if the plan was ready. “Yeah, I am ready,” and they started fighting their friends. Adora made eye contact with both Glimmers before the shot locked her in the tower.

Glimmer say and freaked out and ran to the door banging on it but couldn't get in or teleport in because of how weak she was from being shot. Catra was helping double trouble fight the others and keep them away from Glimmer.

“Adora! No, she is gone and I can’t get the door open!”

“Try your spell and magic! Teleport in! Do you got this Glimmer?” Catra yelled.

“I am trying… Im just… trying to get power…up.”

“You look in bad shape Glimmer do you want me to go with and let double trouble handle this?”

“No… that’s… okay.” But I fell onto my knees still trying to do my power and spell to help Adora. 

My magic kept getting weaker the more I tried and I couldn't stop shaking and worrying about how Adora and how she could already be in trouble or worse. Then I started to have a panic attack before shadow weaver shows seeing that I wasn't able to use my power right now at full strength because I was injured. So she offered her help and they uses her magic to get us inside. 

“Glimmer, let me help you, we can combine our powers together to get to Adora.”

“Why should I trust you, last time we did you got her in this spot to begin with!” 

“I can sense Adora and I know you can too, she is in trouble. That is why you shaking and another reason your spell isn't working.” 

“Maybe you are right, I need to save Adora. Fine but if you pull anything you will be locked away forever. 

When we get inside we see Adora glued to the ground locked in green light and talking to herself. We tried so hard to break through but couldn’t. I started using my power and shadow weaver to make the spell stronger and it was working before Prime sent something to attack me. 

“Adora! I can’t get to you but you need to listen to me! I love you and your in trouble, you're not alone! “She will make it!” I shout as loud as she could before the creature Prime released attacked me. 

“Glimmer? Are you… You need to go!”

“I'm not leaving!” 

“She can’t help you know one can Adora! You caused all of this and got them all involved so now they will pay the price to and it will be your fault what happens in the end.”

“No, your wrong Prime!” Adora said giving into the green light and getting sucked in more and more. She wasn’t feeling strong enough, Primes words were getting to her and I could see it and feel it.

“Let’s see how this helps…” Prime said stabbing Adora in the side. Greenlight consumed the wound and made her body turn green with it affecting her blood. 

Shadow weaver helps keep the magic strong for me but also made her way to the green light to maybe kick down the green force field locking her in the green light. Touching the light with both her power and mine she was making it shatter it was working. She could hear Adora fighting with Prime in her head and hearing her get stabbed. She could feel it which also made me feel it to and looked over to Adora and Shadow Weaver in fear. 

“Adora! No! Prime you monster!” Getting distracted I got knocked against the wall hard by the monster. “Owww!”

Adora heard Glimmer scream and breaks out of the vision. Shadow Weaver showed up and started leading her to the heart. "This is how you save everyone, Adora and Glimmer." 

Adora was going to do it but heard Glimmer scream again so she ran to the noise and saw a monster had hold of her. Shadow Weaver sacrificed herself and the power was getting to much for Adora so she fell. 

“Take the light, take the soul, take the pain away!” I said as I lit up in glowing light.”

“Glimmer what are you doing?” Adora said as she fell from lost power.

“Saving you! I made you a promise I am going to keep. I am sorry, but I am doing this.” I said putting a bubble around her. 

I took more magic than I thought but I didn’t care. I transferred the heart to myself instead of Adora. Realizing it I used a spell to trap Adora so she could go to the core. The bubble will keep her safe and stop her from stopping me.

 I walked in and the power already started to make me weak as the heart was being used and my colors began to fade away. I was so close to giving up and letting the power take over but Adora showed up and grabbed the heart with she ra which made the power of the heart be split between us. Adora kept pulling and telling me that I needed to be strong.  

“We can do anything together we always have! I had a vision of the past stuff but I also had a future where we were happy and married. I need you and love you, please stay!” She told Glimmer.

“You want me to stay with you forever?” I said in pain and shock that she loved me so much even after everything that has happened lately. I didn’t think that I deserved it or that she still loved me that way. It made me smile and fight harder with her.

“Of course I do! I love you more than anything Glimmer!”

After fighting the light finally started to go away or instead started to glow more. Before me and Adora could do anything the light exploded killing the heart with it. After a wave of light washed over and turned everything green and beautiful again, getting rid of all Primes destruction along with him. 

Adora stood up and reached her hand out to help me up and pull me up but instead of just pulling me up she pulled me into what felt like a forever kiss. I could feel the happiness in her smile when she kissed me which made me smile and laugh as she spun me around and put me down again keeping her hand on my cheeks. 

“I love you so much,” Adora said.

“I love you too!”

We held hands and made our way out and say that our friends were back to normal and my dad was back to normal. We ran fast towards them and got caught in a big group hug. I was also so happy when I saw that Catra and Scropia kissed, Perfuma and Bow and everyone else. Everyone was finally happy and together. 

We then walked off into the sunset and rolled down a grass hill till we were all looking at the sky and making shapes out of the clouds like me and Adora did on our first date. We were all laughing and smiling and I thought it couldn't get any better. I was so wrong though, Adora stood up with a smile and got down on one knee.”

“Glimmer will you go on an Adventure with me forever and do me the honor in marrying me?” 

“Of course! Yes! But one question where did you get the ring?”

“Your mom gave it to me before she left, I have kept in with me since.”

“It was…my mom's? You guys were all in on this to huh?” I smiled and started crying about my mom's ring and how happy I was. They all nodded their heads and came in for another hug. Adora kissed me again then looked in the distance and pointed.

“Let's all go on an adventure. Not to save the world but to explore and have fun together!”

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