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Bow POV: 

Adora started to freak out for some reason and glow super bright that I couldn't even look at her anymore, same with Entrapta. "Adora, what is going on?" She was too frozen on what was outside to hear or acknowledge me. Walking over to the window I could see why she was too frozen to speak. It was a literal disaster down there. Getting closer to Brightmoon to all the other princesses were there, being just as bright as Adora fighting Horde soldiers. 

I started to get a bad sinking feeling in my stomach that started to make me super nauseous. "Adora, I have a bad feeling…why is everyone glowing?" Still staring out the window she responded back. "It is The Heart of Etheria powering on." "How is that even possible?" "I have no idea but I am pretty sure we are about to find out."

We soon arrived on the landing spot at Brightmoon, stepping out and being ambushed by all of our friends in the process. "You guys are back!" "Is that King Micah?" Smilling I replied yes but my smile soon faded when I saw the look on her face and I looked around, there was no sign of Glimmer. "Hey um guys where is Glimmer?" Adora asked, her voice shaky with nerves as she tried to stay calm. 

It was silent for a minute before Mermista started to speak. "Umm she went to stop Catra and connect Scropia to the Black Garnet…" "You let Glimmer do this alone?" "You let my daugther do that alone!" "It was her plan we would stay here and fight the soldiers and she would connect Scropia to the Garnet and distract Catra long enough for you to get back to finish the The Heart of Etheria."  

"If my calculations are correct the Heart is pulling you towards it the longer you fight the more damage it will do." Looking down at Entraptas tablet I could see that she was right and Adora should go now. “Adora, Entrapta is right. You need to go now!" "No Bow I need to save Glimmer before Catra does something to her!"

     "Adora I know you are scared right now with all of this and Glimmer missing but I promise you she is strong and she gots this." I knew that Glimmer was up to something during that talk we were having but I didn’t think it would be this bad and crazy.  I feel kinda responsible for this by not letting Adora know something was up before we left but I didn't expect Glimmer to do this definitely not when we were gone.

   "I am upset to Adora and I feel kinda responsable. Me and Glimmer had a talk when you were resting and she thought you were going to do something stupid to save her so stupid she may lose you again. I knew she might have been planning something but I didn’t know it would be like this. I am sorry." Adora leaned down now putting her hand on my shoulder and giving me a small warming smile before she talked. 

  "Bow, this isn’t your fault. We will get through it just like the best friend squad always does, together!" "Yes we will!" "We got everything covered here.You stop the Heart then go help Glimmer and meet back here!” "King Micah you stay here with everyone. I promise your Majesty, we'll bring Glimmer home to you." Nodding, "I have to stop Light Hope." Adora sprinted into the direction of the Crystal Castle and the big blue beam that shot up from it. Just looking at it made me super nervous again but that wasn’t going to stop me. 

   "Okay guys so what is the plan down here?" "We have just been trying to keep the Horde soldiers at bay and protect Brightmoon." "I have been hitting them with my ice fist and look, they are so much bigger now thanks to the Heart." That's true the Heart was able to make everyone stronger, faster and smarter I feel like so we definitely got this. "Alright sounds good, let's do this!"

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