Back to the ship

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Adora POV:

The plan was I would walk out of the ship into the hands of primes men "surrendering myself" while the others stayed in the ship to find Glimmer while I distracted Prime. "You won’t find anything. I came alone." I told the men who walked into the ship. "I hear Horde Prime has been looking for me so I decided It was time to meet face to face."

"Yes, you will be taken to Prime and there you will receive judgement." One of his men said with a wicked smile plastered on his face. Soon on the coms we put in each other's ears to stay in contact I heard Bow. "Were in, they didn’t find us." "And we didn't die!" Entrapta shouted. "That was a possibility?!?" Catra shouted back. I tried to be quiet as quiet as I could or laugh as I replied back. "Good, be careful and don’t get caught." I thought Entrapta was going to stay with the ship but I knew that was going to change when she saw Prime's ship, she just couldn't help herself.

"Please be careful Adora, Prime is smarter than you think." I heard Catra say next. "I will, thank you Catra." "Catra is going to the cell they use to keep her and Glimmer in while me and Entrapta are going to hack into the ship's server and find anything we can about Primes weaknesses." Bow said Entrapta responding to Bow. "It should be the room with many glowing light and a high energy signature." Soon we were approaching Primes' door to the throne room. I gave them one more wish of luck before we walked in. 

"Prime." I said before his men stepped out from in front of him showing a bunch of green hoses attached to his body. "Welcome Adora." Prime said without even making eye contact with me. It made a shiver run down my spine but I knew I had to stay cool for Glimmer and the team. I could hear screaming on the other side of the coms which didn’t help my nerves. It sounded like they had come in contact with a few of the Primes men. 

"This is how it is going to go Prime. I am going to make you a deal. You give me Glimmer and you will let us leave. I have a weapon that only I can activate."  Prime doesn’t know what I do. My sword is still broken and without that I am not able to be She Ra but he doesn't need to know that. 

Prime started to laugh pulling out his hoses connecting to his body before standing up and getting so close in front of me that I could feel his breath. "You don’t have the weapon or you would have already used it when you got here. Plus you wouldn’t use it with your Glimmer on the ship now would you?"

"You don’t know what I am capable of." Prime steps away now looking straight towards the door now. "Oh but I do." That is when I heard Catra over the coms. "Guys I found the cell but Glimmer isn’t in here." My face froze worried about what he had done. "Where is Glimmer!" Then I heard Glimmer shout my name as I looked at Prime still with a smile on his face. 

"Ahhh yes your Glimmer. She hoped you would come. As she said, you're so very predictable so I knew you would come and I waited." Then he pointed behind me waving his hand. "Come here my Queen." Looking behind me now I saw her but it wasn’t Glimmer anymore. Her pink clothes were gone and she was in white and grey Horde clothes, the same ones as his men. I couldn't see her face though because she had a hood covering it. 

"Take off your hood my sister. Show her who you are." Lifting down her hood I was in shock, I couldn’t speak. Here once pink eyes now a bright lime green and her pink hair combed back not messy like normal. "Hello Adora." She says looking at me with a smile similar to Prime’s. Soon I snapped out of my phase going into a new one, one full of anger and hatred. 

"What did you do to her!" I said lunging at Prime but his men stopped knocking me down. "I freed her. Her mind was full of grief, guilt and pain so I got rid of it all. Isn’t that right, little sister?" "Glimmer fight this, I know you're stronger than it!" "My place is with Horde Prime Adora. Prime has given me peace."

Glimmer started to walk towards me now as she talked. "Something you couldn’t do. You broke me and Prime fixed me. This is for the best Adora, you should go." Looking away from Glimmer I held back my tears as I looked at Prime again. "Let Glimmer go!" Prime walked over putting his hand on Glimmer's shoulder making her jump, she is still in there. "Shall we go back to your deal Adora? I will give her to you but I want something in return. You will give me She Ra."

"Never." With a snap of his fingers the guards released me from the ground and the coms fell out of my ear. "Very well then. You miscalculated, I see it all. You're a false hero, you can’t beat me. You both have some catching up to do let me know when you want to reconsider." Then just like that he left leaving me and Glimmer alone. 

Soon me and Glimmer started fighting but I grabbed her trying to put her in a hold so I could get through to her. "Glimmer, listen to me! I know you're still in there and I am not leaving without you, I can’t." I thought I was breaking through but I was wrong she flipped me now putting me into a hold. 

"Everything is already okay. Can’t you see I am happy here? Come with me." I grabbed her arm, throwing her against the Primes throne step and she started to laugh. "Glimmer snap out of it." "You have already hurt me, Adora and I hurt you. Prime has set me free from that pain." Lunging from the step, Glimmer started to fight me again. "Glimmer I don’t wanna fight you!" 

Soon it wasn’t Glimmer in control of her body but Prime himself. "Oh Adora, you will destroy the ones you love in this process. Glimmer was afraid in the end and she did suffer." Full of anger again I pushed her into the wall behind us and saw there was a chip in the back of her neck, that must be the cause of this. She looked up at me and I could see Glimmer’s lime green eyes change from pink to lime green. 

"I am not giving up Glimmer!" "Then you will become one of us, Adora. You can’t stop Horde Prime." An explosion went off in the ship sending an electric current through the wall behind Glimmer and into her chip making her fall into my arms. The chip was very damaged now letting the real Gimmer break through. 

"Adora, you shouldn't have come for me. I told you to forget me. I deserve this Adora, I caused this." I started to get tears in my eyes hearing those words come out of her mouth. I was mad at her but she doesn’t deserve any of this. I know she was just trying to protect us all. "Glimmer you don’t deserve any of this."

The lime green took over again and she hit me off starting to walk away but the chip was still damaged allowing her to fight back. Her pink eyes changed from lime green to pink many times. "Stay away from me Adora, I don’t wanna hurt you." "I am going to take you home Glimmer!" "Adora…" 

I almost had her back before Prime took over again. "Disappointing. Looks like I don’t need her anymore." Just like that her eyes changed back to pink again but the chip shocked her making her fall off the cliff behind her. I jumped after her seeing her lying on the ground not waking up. "Glimmer don’t worry I am here." Pulling her into a hug as Prime walks up. 

"It didn’t have to be this Adora, ready to reconsider now?" I could feel so much anger and power in me that I started to lift off the ground being surrounded in a blue light. "For the honor of Grayskull!" A sword appeared in my hand as I transformed back into She Ra again still holding Glimmer's unconscious body in my arms.
     Fighting I knocked down all his surrounding men looking one in his eyes, "you miscalculated." Destroying the ship on the way out we made it back to Darla meeting the team there. "Darla, get us out of here and make it quick!" Using my magic I was able to heal Glimmer and wake her up, "Hey baby."

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