Under pressure

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Adora POV:

I woke up last night with a nightmare after getting this thing in my chest that is supposed to save all of Brightmoon and the world from Prime. After getting this, I have felt so much more pressure than ever, even when I turn into She- Ra. It was tough to do that and see everyone's faces when I did it but it is the only way. 

In my nightmare, I saw flashes of green just taking over Brightmoon, and then Glimmer and everyone got consumed by it and then I was alone surrounded by dark green before seeing Primes eyes come through and I woke up. When I woke up though I looked around the bed and Glimmer was gone which put me even more on edge. I immediately got out of bed and looked all around the room but there was no sign of her. That is when I heard a noise coming from outside the window. I walked up to it and looked out the window and saw Catra and Glimmer having some kinda talk outside. 

I know that they have been close since that have got back from the ship but it looked like a really deep chat about something. It kinda looked like Catra was upset and angry at the same time like she was trying to leave. Glimmer stopped her though and then they talked and when they were walking back Glimmer punched her in her arm. I tried to listen and overhear what they were talking about but I couldn't make anything out. 

I heard that Glimmer was coming back upstairs to go to bed so I went to bed and pretended to be asleep. She walked in and looked like she was reading or practicing something, like a spell. Then she groaned and put her hands on her head like she was furious with herself. She then looked over and I closed my eyes fast turning over to the other side. She sighed and made her way over and back into bed and put her arms around me again. 

“I promise, I will not let anything happen to you Adora. I love you. I’m sorry I went with Prime, but I will make it up to you.” Glimmer said as she started to pass out. I didn’t get what she was talking about but I had a feeling deep in my chest that it was about what she and Catra were talking about. Whatever they were talking about and how Glimmer was talking before she went to sleep I feel like she is going to do something that I am probably not going to like. 

The next morning I was up first even though I don’t think I really got any sleep at all and was just tossing and turning all the time in my sleep. I started to get worried about Glimmer and everything that I thought about all of the worse possible stuff that can happen to her. Or all of the stuff that they could have been planning. I was so into the thought that I didn’t notice Glimmer was awake before she kissed me. 

“Morning sleepy head,” I said. 

“You okay?” Glimmer asked.

“Yeah, I just had a lot on my mind lately with Prime and this thing in my chest.” 

“I’m sorry Adora, anything I can do? Want breakfast?”

“Yeah I am a little hungry but can we just lay in bed a little longer?” 

“Of course, I love you, Adora.”

“I love you too.” 

After laying in bed for a little bed for a bit we got up and made our way down to the breakfast room for some food. When we got there it smelled so good and full of waffles and pancakes. Just the smell of the place woke me right up and for a second made me forget everything else that was bothering me. Until the other person walked through the door of the base. 

“Morning guys! Hey, Adora.” Catra said. 

“Morning Catra!” Glimmer said waving her over to the table to sit with us. 

Just like that, my stress came back and I was worried again so I couldn’t sit with them anymore. I finished breakfast and started to clean up my plate and things around me. Starting to get up and walk to the back sink to wash my dishes before I could get far though I got called. 

“Adora, where you going?” Glimmer called teleporting in front of me. “You sure you are okay?” She questioned. 

“Yeah, I am fine baby I just wanted to get some training in by myself to calm down.” 

“Okay, I will leave you be but I love you, and if you need anything let me know.” 

“I will, see you later.”

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