Late night visit

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Adora POV:

      I didn't get much sleep after me and Glimmer fell asleep though. About an hour later I heard a noise outside the window. At first I thought it was just the wind crashing against the trees but then I heard a noise that kinda sounded like nails on a chalkboard. 

     So I got up quietly not trying to wake up Glimmer again, watching her groan and roll over. Then I grabbed my sword from my bed and made my way over to the window. At first when I looked outside all I saw was complete darkness besides the light coming from the moon. That is where I thought Brightmoon got it’s name from at first haha. 

     Looking closer now out into the trees I noticed two yellow looking eyes kinda. With that being said they started to dead sprint my way until they were sitting on a tree branch by the window staring into mine. "Hey Adora," It was Catra.

    "What are you doing here Catra?" I said as I raised my sword towards her, not leaving eye contact for a second. "Easy princess, I just came to see how you were doing since the last time I saw you." Smirking as she raised a finger to lower my sword from her face. 

    "You mean the last time when you kidnapped me, used me as bait then tried to kill me and my friends? I am doing just great, thanks." "Far point, I did do that." "What is the real reason you are here Catra?" "I just wanna talk, then I will leave, please."

      I don’t know what she wanted to talk about but I have never heard her say please before so it seemed kinda important to her. Looking back towards Glimmer to check if she was okay I gave Catra a nod. "Okay fine what do you want to talk about?"

     Catra’s ears perked up and a smile slid onto her face. "Can we talk outside me and you so we dont wake up sparkles over there?" "I don’t know Catra…" "I promise nothing will happen, you can even bring your sword with you." "Fine."

     Catra led the way down the tree and by the grass that ran along the river. I followed closely behind her but far enough in case she tried to do something. When we got down we both took a seat by each other looking out into the darkness. 

     I glanced at Catra from the corner of my eye, she looked almost nervous for some reason. With a deep breath she started talking. "I thought I killed you that day in the forest. I didn’t feel as happy as I thought I would have. I became more mad. Not at you but at myself from almost doing that to you, I didn't know that you made it till a guard told me later that night."

     Catra is being strangely nice? Does she actually still care for me and is the Catra I remember growing up with back in the Horde? Maybe there is still some hope for Catra. "I thought you didn’t care about me anymore, you made that very clear." I told her not to look at her. "Well you did leave me Adora of course I am upset about that!" "I want you to come back with me."

    "Catra, you already know my answer to that!" "Ughhh maybe this will change your mind." Before I knew what was happening Catra grabbed ahold of my face and pulled me into a kiss. Soon after I quickly pushed her off. "What the hell Catra!"

     "I love you Adora, I always have. Since the days in the Horde to fighting now. I have never stopped loving you." I looked down and saw we were holding each other's hands now. I was still in shock with everything that just happened only a minute ago that I couldn’t speak. "Do you love me, Adora?"

      She was looking at me so kindly, her eyes filled with both sparks of light and confusion waiting for my answer. Finally I was about to snap out of shock and started to talk. "Catra, I do love you but not the same way you love me. I love you like a sister like my family. I grew up with you, you were my closest thing to a family."

      I saw her eyes once filled with kindness and light turn back into the numb, dark eyes again. She quickly let go of my hands and formed herself into a ball. "Catra I…" "NO! Don’t say anything else I got it you don’t love me you love sparkles. I am not good enough for you."

    "Catra it’s not that you're not good enough. I am sorry I hurt you but I didn mean wha I said. Please stay and be my sister again, my family?" I raised my hand out for her to grab it but she swiped it away and got in my face. "We are not family! You better all watch your backs, definitely sparkles!" Before I could say anything else I watched as she sprinted into the woods, not looking back. 

      I stood out there for a second just staring out into the woods before making my way back up the tree to me and Glimmer's room. I felt bad about hurting Catra but it was the truth. I did want her back just not that way. I was now nervous about what she said when she left. I was also nervous as I cuddled back up to Glimmer for the sun to rise for the next day because then I would have to tell Glimmer sometime tomorrow about what just took place.

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