Red Morning

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Adora POV: 

    I was so scared that Glimmer was going to leave after I told her what happened the night before. Our love must be stronger than I thought or maybe it is because I haven’t really experienced what real love is till now. All I know is that night I cuddled with her so close to make sure nothing happened. 

I was up again that night staring at the window and listening to every noise making sure that it wasn’t Catra again. I maybe got about two or three hours of sleep in total, waking up in between each one. Before I knew it I saw the light from the sun start to rise over the trees changing the sky to a dark orange red and a little pink. 

"Morning Adora," Glim said as she turned over and stretched before looking over at me. Her eyes went big when she saw me making her sit up fast. "Adora, you okay? You look like you didn’t sleep at all."

"Yeah I am okay, I got a little sleep." My eyes were barely able to stay open but I was determined to stay awake. "Hmmm and how much sleep is that exactly?" I started to get out of bed pretending I didn’t hear her question as I got dressed. 

"Man, I am hungry! Ready to get some breakfast Gimmer?" I avoided eye contact with her but I could feel her staring at me hard for changing the subject. “Sure, why not.” replying sarcastically as she got up and teleporting into her clothes and making her way over to the door. 

It was silent the whole way down the hall to the dining room but before I was able to say something we ran into Bow. "Hey my two little love birds! How are you this fine morning?" "Just peachy," Glimmer answered. 

Bow then turned to me whispering into my ear so that Glimmer couldn’t hear. "What’s up with her? Did you tell her, you know what happened?" I can only assume it was about Catra and her kissing me. So I waited till Glimmer got a little more ahead of us before answering.

"Yes I told her but no she is not upset about that." "Then what is she upset about?" "I may have not gotten a lot of sleep again and when she asked how long I slept for I changed the subject pretending I didn’t hear her." "Adora…"

Before Bow was able to continue the ground felt like it was beginning to shake, stopping us all in our tracks. Before we knew what was happening a loud bang hit the side of Brightmoon causing us to all get knocked to the ground. I quickly got up and looked out the window already knowing who it was. 

"Who is it Adora?" My mind went blank as I started to remember what she said the night she ran into the woods about hurting Glimmer and everyone else that I quickly just jumped into action running back towards our room. "Adora, wait!" I heard Bow and Glimmer shouting behind me but it was too late. Soon I had my sword and was rushing outside. 

When I got outside though there was no sign of Catra, only Horde soldiers and robots. I was just about to run to attack them but felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me back. "Adora! Are you crazy? You just can’t run in there blind, tired and without a plan."

It was a Glimmer, Bow not too far behind catching us out of breath. "Glimmer… is… right…" Looking back I could see that there weren't that many which was kinda odd. They haven’t attacked for months and when they do it is barely anything. 

"We can take them all." I say confidently looking at the amount there was. It was only like 30 bots and 50 Horde soldiers. Glimmer and Bow both looked at me quickly like I had finally lost it. "Did you finally go insane?" Bow yelled, his voice cracking. Glimmer looked at me then at the army then back to me again nodding seeing that I had a plan. "Okay what’s the plan."

Nodding back I pulled them into a huddle and started to explain to them my plan. "Okay, so by the looks of it they will be here in about 2 minutes. I didn’t see very many bots but a good amount of soldiers, nothing we can’t handle though. That being said you guys will double team the soldiers while I take out the bots."

"Sounds good Adora." Breaking apart Glimmer pulled me to the side."Please be careful, I can't lose you again." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I will, same goes for you." Bow and Glimmer stayed behind as I sprinted to the bots. I started to take out the closest bot near me, hitting it dead center into it’s mainframe before going to the next.

In the background I could hear the twang of a bow and Glimmer's magic mixed with the sound of hurting soldiers. I took out the bots super easy, almost too easy and when I destroyed my last bot I felt something hitting the back of my leg tripping me and making me fall. 

"Hey Adora, mIss me?" Her eyes were the most cold I have ever seen them with no sign of the Catra I once knew. I couldn’t even get a word out before she started to attack me scratching my arm. 

I quickly pointed my sword at her trying to make her back off. "Catra if this is from the night before I already said I was sorry." She didn’t respond, she just looked around to find where to attack me next until she saw a branch above me hanging from a tree. 

As she jumped up to try to grab it I knocked her down making her more angry. I moved back a little making sure I kept a good amount of distance between us. "What’s wrong Adora, scared?" "Nope not at all, is this the best you got!" "Oh Adora, I am only a distraction."

Quickly I looked back to where Glimmer and Bow were fighting seeing that they were starting to struggle now and that there were more soldiers than before. Seeing that I was distracted, Catra lunged towards me again, knocking my sword out of my hand, grabbing my neck and lifting me up against the tree now. 

"This could all have been different, Adora." She hissed in a hurt-like tone. "Catra, I am really sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on, for giving you the wrong signals or leaving and I definitely didn’t wanna hurt you." "Well you did and now I can do the same." 

In the distance I could hear Glimmer shouting, "Adora! NO!" Catra’s head turns to look at Glimmer now who has gotten knocked down from looking this direction watching as the fight goes on. Letting out a short laugh before looking back at me again tightening her hold on my neck making it hard for me to breath now. "Soldiers now! Get sparkles!"

I tried to escape Catra’s hold as I was starting to pass out from the lack of oxygen. I had to save Glimmer though so I didn’t give up finally being able to kick her in the knee making her release me from her hold. I reached up at my neck coughing as I was trying to get oxygen back to my lungs looking around for Catra.

Quickly I ran over and grabbed my sword and then started to head down to the others. I had to get them out of there. I didn’t get far though until I felt something pierce through my side. When I looked down it was Catra’s claw making me fall to my knees. "Next time it will be Glimmer and you will never even see it coming." 

I fell onto the grass now seeing red as my vision cut in and out. "Soldiers let’s go!" Catra shouts standing above me now. "Goodbye Adora! See you around, or not." "I… will… stop… you...Catra." Laughing she ran off followed by all the soldiers and behind them was familiar footsteps. 

"Adora!" they both shouted soon, helping me up to my feet and helping me walk." "Adora, that doesn’t look good. Are you sure you wanna walk?" Bow said, looking at me with his worried eyes, Glimmer doing the same. "I’m...fine. But Glimmer…" "But Glimmer what? Oh no…"

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