Chapter 24

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CW: Sexual content, Foul or Adult language

AN: Playlist above \ Vision Board SFW Above NSFW on IG


"Open your hand...squeeze it tightly, angel. Don't let go." Dante guided Amra.

She did as he said, opening the palm of her hand and taking the blade Dante had placed there.

It had only been a night since they had been attacked... a night since they had slept together. Amra felt different— hotter, warmer, and highly aware of Dante.

It had taken a plethora of strength to stop him from taking her again. He'd lose control inside her, heal her, and then take her again.

He made sure she spent the entire night connected to him, until she had passed out. The end of the world couldn't have woken her. He'd completely exhausted her.

When she awoke, they were in a very different place. An open space—smaller, cozier, and in the middle of a jungle.

Just like the last place, Dante had warded this place from angels. It would be hard to find them.

"How were those hunters so strong?" Amra asked, holding the blade against her palm defensively. She vividly remembered how strong those hunters' scents had been, but they looked completely human.

"Angel blood." Dante said simply.

"Angel blood?" She repeated, confused.

Dante came around, fixing her posture. "Yes," he confirmed. "There is an ancient and annoying group of hunters that protect humanity from demons and other things. Sometimes, angels will give them some of their blood to enhance their abilities."

"Like what happened to me when you gave me your demon blood." She understood.

Dante nodded before letting go of her hand and standing beside her. "Precisely, now, hit your target." He demanded.

Amra looked at the target in the distance— a wooden board that Dante had stuck feathers to. He'd marked the bullseye with a red heart and she didn't miss the words CAMAEL written in the center.

She sighed.

Since she woke up, Dante had been more adamant that she learn to protect herself. He'd also been adamant about giving her more demonic essence, but Amra did not want it. She didn't like the way it affected her mind.

She took a deep breath, aimed as Dante had taught her, and flung the blade. It missed the bullseye by a few inches, but at least it stuck this time.

"Again." Dante demanded, retrieving the blade with a simple command of his hand, handing it back to her.

"Dante," she groaned. "We've been at it all morning. How about a break? I'm only human." She yawned.

Though he'd healed her, her body still felt tender. He'd marked her skin with bites and hickeys, and she could still feel the weight of his touch.

"Precisely why we need to keep training," he muttered, but his hand abruptly reached for her, wrapping around her slender waist and pressing her back to his chest.

Though the place was warded from angels, it wasn't from hunters. Hunters were human after all. This magic didn't affect them. If they found them again, it would reveal their location and put Amra in danger. So he wanted to make sure that Amra could defend herself in case he was preoccupied.

What he really wanted was to part her lips and force her his demonic essence. If it came to a fight, it would help her, but Amra had avidly refused it and he read her thoughts.

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