Chapter 9

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With the strength that I had, I pushed away, falling onto the ground. Dante's teeth were bared in a snarl.

"My soul! I should've fucking known that's all you wanted." I found his top on the ground, quickly throwing it over my body.

Dante stood up to his menacing height. He seemed lost for a moment. Anger draped his dark eyes as they were slowly consumed by flames. That smug grin appeared across his cheek.

"Well, I am a demon." He smiled. "But at least I'm not a tease." He grabbed at his crotch. "Talk about blue balls-"

That reality of what I had almost done was starting to hit me hard. The high I had felt was now dwindling. "Don't ever feed me your blood again." I spat.

Guilt and shame swelled into my chest. 

He had taken advantage of the fact that I was withdrawing to feed me his blood, and if I wasn't certain about it before, I was now— his blood made me irrational.

Dante stepped closer. "I wasn't just gonna let you die," he groaned.

"I would've rather died!"

His jaw clenched, eyes darkened into narrow slits. "Is it because you're ashamed that you were about to let me fuck you or because you can't admit that deep down, you're just as shitty as I am?" He smiled.

My fists clenched tightly. A burning started at my throat that I fought back. "I swear I'll kill you and if I don't then maybe Cam will—"

My back hit the wall hard. Dante's hand gripped my neck unrelentingly, holding me up. His teeth were bared, growling.

"If he ever comes near you again. I'll kill him right in front of you." He pressed my neck harder, cutting my air supply briefly before dropping me and walking out the door.

I ran off, shutting myself in the bathroom. The floor was dirty, littered with dust. I looked at my reflection into the broken mirror. The tears finally spilt, dropping down my cheeks.

My mind was so confused. Overwhelmed with my sobriety, then being flooded with Dante's blood. I had lost myself. Almost given myself to a murderer. A demonic creature that concealed himself behind the face of a man. I had to set my weaknesses aside. I had to escape.

Dante clearly had no intentions of killing me or letting me die. According to him, he wanted to corrupt me. Well, that wasn't fucking happening. I needed a way out and coincidentally he had given me one, shown me his weakness.

I exited the bathroom and searched the room. Regardless of how long this place had been abandoned, I knew the type of people that lived here. The remnants of their life was dusty and broken, but it gave me a hint.

Amongst the dusty crosses and candles with saints painted on them, I found something that might help me. The lore around demons couldn't be all fake, could it? This had to be worth a shot.

I headed back into the bathroom, looking at the sink littered with shards of broken glass. 

So, he doesn't want me to die? I flipped my arm over, looking at the long scar that connected me to my past. The few blurred memories of my childhood that resurfaced made me wonder if he was right. If I was a shitty person like him...a murderer. 

Dante was a leech and without me noticing, he'd gotten under my skin. Well, maybe it was time to get under his skin.

 I put the glass over my fading scar and pushed deeply.


I wanted to scream as I held in the pain. The blood pouring out of my wound was profuse. I didn't think it would be this quick, and a part of me was beginning to panic, however, I knew the smell of blood would attract the predator that lurked the house—Dante.

But what if he didn't come? What if he came too late, because my body was starting to feel light. No, I needed to hold on for this to work. I listened intently, and once the silence was disrupted by the sound of the door trembling, I placed my good arm behind me.

I could do this.

I closed my eyes, letting the weightlessness take over me when the door burst open, shattering the wood into fragmented pieces against a dark mass of shadows where Dante appeared.

I expected him to barge through, not teleport. I had forgotten he could do that. 

In the next instant, his red eyes lashed my way. He shook his head, tutting, "I didn't take you as a coward." He bent down to my level, eye to eye as he forcefully took my bloody arm in his hand.

The pain was immense.

"There's no getting out of this, Amra. No escape. No way out. Not even death can have what's mine." He squeezed my wounded arm and I screamed as he brought it to his lips.

I watched in horror as a long, serpent-like tongue slid from Dante's mouth, licking against his sharp teeth before settling over my wound. 

With each lap of his tongue, my wound felt smaller and I knew he was healing me, which meant my window of opportunity was closing.

"Why do you need me to sign a contract, if there is no way for me to escape you?"

Between licking my wound his eyes met mine and I felt a shimmer of awe and relief, because it seemed my plan had worked. Dante's eyes were flickering between red and black, transfixed by my blood.

"I have my reasons," he mumbled, with a tinge of secrecy before squeezing my arm as if he were trying to draw out the last of my blood and I took the chance, bringing the shard of glass I'd hidden behind my back to strike right at his jugular.

Dante had been too focused to see it coming and it pierced through his flesh deeper than I imagined it would.

Dante hissed. Moving back with a growl. Before he could attack I hit him across the head with a bible I had found in the other room. He fell on his back. Burned by the religious item. The veins in his body shifted, turning a dark color. All light gone from his eyes.

I had no doubt that if he could, he would kill me right now. So I grabbed another piece of glass and stabbed him in the chest before running out the door.

Author note:
Yeah that happened.
Do you guys think Dante deserved it?


Updated A/N: Bahaha okay, I admit, that last part was funny. I promise the rewritten version of this scene is 100x better, actually hotter lol. I suppose I could have edited this scene for this book but it's oddly precious to me. I will always look back at it and wonder, "What the heck was I thinking??" Additionally, if I edited it, I would lose the funny comments in response to this scene and I treasure those as well. Besides, I think it will be fun for you all to read this scene in the rewritten and remember how funny it was in the draft book.

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