Chapter 39

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Dammit! Amra slammed her foot against the steel door, but the damn thing wouldn't budge. She had never really thought it would break, or even indent, but to at least garner the attention of Cam.

She had to get to him before Dante arrived. She was sure right now he was seething and ravenous. "Fuck!" She leaned back against the wall exhausted.


"Camiel, I know you can hear me!" She wasn't sure of that, but she figured he must not be far. He wanted her for a reason, so here she was, and this was her only chance.

There would be no need for bloodshed if Amra could reason with the being. 

Dante had changed, maybe not substantially, but if his confession about Sofia and Andrew was true, then he had been able to control the blood-thirsty demon that resided inside him.

If she couldn't reason with Camiel, then she would offer him a deal, one that he would hopefully accept... even if it meant damning her own soul. Hell, she chuckled, it was only now that she realized how painstakingly close she had grown to Dante.

"Camiel, please."

The heavy steel door finally opened. Cam walked in. His ice blue eyes were cold as he stared at her. This was his chance, if he wanted to kill her, he would do it now, while she was chained up and had no shred of Dante's power or protection.

The door closed, he leaned against it, arms crossed.

"I know you're angry with me and I'm sorry I betrayed you," she started. "...but Dante had my brother and sister, and I would have done anything to see them again."

"You think I am mad at you for that?" He tutted, shaking his head. "I know you would do whatever it took to see them...but what I am disappointed in is your lack of faith in me." His gaze anchored onto hers, angry, hurt. "I am disappointed that you let him get so deep in your head that you lost your faith in our plan."

Two steps and he was in front of her. She froze, eyes clamped shut. Chains clanked and fell to the ground.

Amra opened her eyes to see Cam leaning against the doorframe again, her arms and legs free of the chains... okay there was some hope after all.

"You don't understand, Amra. You're too wrapped up to see who he really is anymore."

"He saved my life Camiel...and as much as I hate to admit it, he's only ridden the world of people who make the world a worse place."

"See, that's the problem with Dante!" His hands scraped through his silver hair. "He thinks he can just interfere without repercussions, but everything and everyone has a purpose."

"And you're not guilty of interfering for your own purposes?" She had to ask. What Dante had insinuated before had drastically changed her views of the angel before her. "Like committing murder for your own mission, or lying for your own personal gain..."

He paused, brows drawn in. "I follow orders, Amra." His pale blue eyes sharpened like daggers. "Orders that must be followed in order to fix the damages Dante has made."

"So, when he kills it's murder, but when an angel does it, it's just following orders?" She didn't mean to scoff, but she had. "Forgive me for not being able to see the difference."

"The difference," seething, he pushed off the wall. "is that by his actions, he ruined your life! Have you ever stopped to think what would have happened if Dante had just followed the rules that day? If he hadn't possessed you and killed your father?"

No, Amra didn't dare think about that day. She knew the answer. "I-I'd be dead."

Cam opened his mouth with a sigh that turned into a humorless chuckle. "That's the thing about true evil, Amra. It can corrupt even the purest of souls into seeing darkness as light." In a flash, he'd materialized before her, towering, large, enraged. "Let me show you what would have happened had Dante not interfered."

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