Chapter 12

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My body was sore. I felt as though I was being weighed down, drowning. My chest felt heavy and it was hard to breathe.

I could hear talking in the distance, and yet, I couldn't open my eyes to see who it was. I didn't have the energy, so I gave myself to the darkness.

And as I tossed and tumbled, I heard a constant voice in the distance, telling me everything was going to be alright. He wiped the sweat off my face, took away the pain. Everything was too blurry and he was nothing but a light. He made me feel safe even when the pain would drag me back down.


The constant beeping of a monitor brought me out of my sleep. Slowly, my eyes began to open. The brightness hurt until my eyes adjusted. I began to realize I was in a large room, with beautiful crown molding and royal furnishings. 

Stretching my limbs, I realized I was attached to a monitor and what looked like a bag of fluids? This didn't look like a hospital though. It looked like a very marvelous expensive home.

"You're awake." A voice came from an open door on the far wall.

I froze, recognizing Cam, as he strode towards me, his icy blue eyes took me in, as if he couldn't believe I was here. Was it him all along who had taken me that night? From Dante.. and.. and those people! Did Cam save them? What happened to Dante?

"The hostages!" I sat up too quickly and I felt a pain in my head.

"Hey, woah..." he rushed to my side, helping me sit back against my pillow. "You've been through a lot, Amra. Your body is..." his eyes trailed to the spot between my neck and shoulder, "recovering." He offered me a sympathetic smile.

I could care less about my body. I wanted to know what happened.

"Cam I...I have to know." I shook my head in desperation. "Are they dead? Is... is Dante dead?"

Cam sighed. He slumped into the chair beside me. His hands running through the silver strands of his hair. I wasn't sure what he was going to say and it was eating me alive not knowing. His icy blue gaze finally met mine and somberly he shook his head. 

"I had no idea he had hostages. My main goal was to get you away from him, Amra. Dante is quick. The angelic light only drew him further from us, but he still managed to get to those humans before my troops could attack, and he fled." He looked away ashamed.

I didn't know what to say. Those people were murderers after all. It didn't bother me that they were dead as much as it should, but the fact that Dante had gotten away irked me. I looked down towards my hands, angry for all that Dante had done and put me through.

"Amra," Cam leaned forward. He placed his hand over my fist. I turned towards him, trapped by his icy gaze. His eyes held so much emotion. "I never got to thank you for saving me that night. If it wasn't for you, I would be dead right now. What you did for me, I will be eternally grateful for."

"Cam, you have nothing to thank me for— "

"Of course I do. Not many people would've done the same. You're a good person, Amra."

Was I thought? Being with Dante had opened up this whole side of me that I didn't know was there. I had almost killed and worst of all, he made me realize I was just like him, a murderer.

"Hey," He wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumbs.

I don't know what compelled me, but I leaned into his embrace, letting him hold me as I choked back sobs.

"I'm not a good person, Cam. I only wish I was. Perhaps if I had been, Dante would have never taken me."

"Amra." He pulled back so that I could meet his eyes as he spoke. "You are good. You have to remember that Dante is a demon. He is conniving and manipulating. He twists the truth to make you see what he wants. To get what he wants... and what he wanted was you. He knew the only way to get you to accept him was if he made you think you were just like him."

"But my father. I...I— "

"You did what you had to,"  Cam came close,  "to protect yourself and your siblings. You were a child, Amra." He frowned, looking deeply hurt, as if he could feel my pain. "You did what you did not because you are a bad person, but because you needed to. You saved your siblings' lives by sacrificing your own."

We sat there for a while. Cam never once moved. He let me shed my tears until I had no more.

With a deep breath, I pulled away. I cleared my mind and focused on the most important thing. "We have to destroy Dante."

"I know." His brows knit together. "But I want you to know it won't be easy, Amra.  Killing a Darkborne will be a challenge."

"A Darkborne? What does that mean?" I questioned, never having heard of such a thing. I knew Dante would be hard to kill. Nothing I had done had been successful. I just didn't know why.

"Darkborne's like Dante go by many names, cursed emissaries, malevolent seraphims, but what sets them apart from other demons or angels is how strong and powerful they are."

"What makes them so strong?"

Cam shut his eyes for a moment, as if debating telling me. His gaze was troubled when he met my eyes. "A high level demon is strong on its own. A high level angel is just as strong... however, when both entities come together, merging as one, they become practically unstoppable."

"So Dante merged with an angel?"

Cam shook his head. "Not exactly," he said wistfully, "The term Darkborne signifies the process of a fallen angel who merges with a high level demon. It reflects the duality of their existence, once an angel of light, now bound to a powerful demon inhabiting their body, resulting in a being whose nature is both celestial and infernal," he sighed. "Dante did not merge with an angel, Amra, because he was never a demon to begin with."

"Are you saying that, that..." My words trailed off, taking in everything that Camael had said, which led me to only one harrowing thought...

"Dante was an angel?"

"Yes." Cam nodded, sadness clouding his features. "Dante was an angel."

Author Note:

Hey guys! Thank you for sticking with my story so far. I know it's a bit... malevolent at times haha. Seriously sometimes I need a break from Dante's evil ass. I found this the other day and I started laughing to myself  because I can 100% relate when writing this book

 I found this the other day and I started laughing to myself  because I can 100% relate when writing this book

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Anyways, here are my questions for you:

Are you happy Cam saved her?

Is she a good or bad person?

Did you see the whole (Dante being an angel) coming? Thoughts on that?

There's so much more on Dante's past coming in the next chapter. Bringing him down will definitely be a challenge.

Don't forget to Vote.


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