Chapter 26

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Come back to me.

Come back, Dante.

Dante could hear the familiar feminine voice call to him from the darkness of his mind. Whose voice was it? He couldn't recall, but it soothed him in that dark place. Her passion filled moans and cries occupied his mind as he reached out to her.

Come back, she said so lovingly, and her gray eyes suddenly flashed across his mind.

Amra! Everything came back to Dante and panic rose in his chest. How long had he lost control for? Had the demon hurt her? Fully alert now, Dante left the dark place and took control over his mind easier than expected. His demon side was already there beside him, giving Dante half of the reins, for once not fighting for complete control. It was surprisingly tame. 

Dante would deal with this later, right now, he needed to make sure Amra was okay. Guilt rolled through his chest at the thought that she may be in pain, pain he could have caused her. 

Finally taking the reins, Dante shot awake, and the scene before him resembled a battlefield.

The entire room was in chaos. Giant claw marks and holes had destroyed the walls from floor to ceiling. Torn fabric and broken glass was strewn all over... and blood, lots of blood.

With panic, Dante rose to his feet. Searching for his angel.

WHAT DID YOU DO? He asked the demon, but the thing only cackled.

"Dante?" A soft voice whispered.

Of course. He turned, finding Amra laying in the tattered remains of their bed. At this point it was nothing more than a mattress on the ground with a few blankets.

He stormed her way, unraveling the covers, revealing her naked body. His cock hardened instantly, but he ignored it.

"Where did I hurt you?" He seethed, spreading her legs apart as he examined every inch of her body.

Amra yelped, trying to slap his hands away but he pinned her to the mattress.

"Where did I hurt you?" He repeated. "Where did you bleed from?"

A thin black brow rose in confusion over her reddened face. "Dante... that's all your blood." She bit her lip.

Dante let her go, tilting his head to one side.

She sat up, placing her hand over his chest.

"I told you to stop, but you wouldn't." Her eyes narrowed over something on his skin.

Dante looked down and realized there were deep scars over his chest and along his arms. They were slowly healing.

So the blood hadn't been hers, he realized.

He sat beside her.

"You didn't hurt me, and I think that was your way of staying in control." She said, referring to the wounds healing over his skin.

So that's how the demon had avoided hurting her, by hurting himself.

Dante eyed Amra's naked body— her skin was warm from the sun coming in through the windows, her raven black hair was in wavy tangles, her eyes were a little red, her lips swollen. A red blush marked her face. Her doe-shaped eyes fluttered over his gaze and he realized she was watching him too.

What a wicked thing...what a beautiful creature, he thought.

He'd never been so close to a woman before without tearing her to shreds. His need for bloodshed had been too strong, but her—Amra, she brought him peace, and he would die for that peace to remain.

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