Chapter 32

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Dante was at the epicenter of a storm, surrounded by the other angels. Amra's heart raced in time with the chaos around her. Time was ticking down into something catastrophic

What could she do? She looked around. Thankfully, Lily was nowhere in sight, somehow, she must have gotten to safety and that is when an idea popped into her head.

Arlo! He had to be the one who got Lily out. Which meant there had to be a way out.

Amra ran towards the direction she thought her sister had been pushed towards in the blast,  when suddenly, she felt her shirt tighten around her, as if someone had gripped her from behind, and she was forcefully yanked backwards. 

She tumbled onto the cement, her elbows and back bore the brunt of the impact. 

She cried out, feeling the sting of scraped flesh.

Before she could catch her breath, she was hoisted off the ground by her throat, coming eye to eye with a menacing pair of cold brown eyes.

"Demon whore." The angel squeezed her neck just a bit tighter, just as a vicious roar echoed and shook everything around them.


Amra turned her attention to see Dante trying to battle his way towards her, his face contorted in fury as four angels struggled to restrain him.

"Let her go! He thundered, eyes flaring coal-red. With tremendous strength, he flung two angels off, keeping his gaze on her. The remaining two tackled him from behind, but Dante continued to fight like a wild animal, desperate to get to Amra's side.

Amra had never seen him so overcome with rage as he feared for her safety, and seeing that ignited something within her.

The angel holding her tightened his grip, but Amra closed her eyes in a moment of reflection. She felt agony sweep across her chest remembering how lonely she had felt being left abandoned as a child in an orphanage, she remembered those long nights wishing she could remember her past, wishing she would find her family. Year after year had passed and that loneliness swallowed her whole.

But things were different now. She had found her siblings... and as twisted as he was, she had Dante. She wanted him too. She wanted the happy life she had always dreamed of.

She was tired of merely existing— she wanted to live.

Eyes snapping open, Amra slammed her head into the angel's nose. He recoiled but kept her in his grasp.

"Let me go!" She sunk her teeth into his wrist until she tasted blood.

He released her with a curse and Amra spun, wasting no time. She gathered the last remnants of Dante's demonic essence inside her, and with a guttural cry, she sent the angel flying back telekinetically.

He landed swiftly. A dark smile spread across his face. 

"Camiel instructed us to leave you alive, but there are always casualties in a good fight." He marched towards her and Amra readied for his attack, but to her dismay, she could no longer draw her telekinetic powers— Dante's demonic essence within her had depleted and it seemed he was using the rest of it.

Weaponless, she narrowly dodged the angel's razor-sharp wings. She knew she couldn't evade him forever. His movements were getting faster.

Gritting her teeth, Amra pulled the throwing blades from her sheaths— the ones Dante had her practice with.

Her human aim would have to suffice.

"You're right!"  She stood her ground defiantly. "But I won't be one of those casualties."

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