Chapter 10

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I ran far into the woods. Never looking back. My feet felt cold, stepping on the damp soil and hard roots of trees.

I decided to go up the hill and see if there was anything I could run towards. As I reached the peak of the hill, I noticed a road far off to my left. I could make it.

Without a second to waste, I moved quickly. I wasn't sure if Dante was dead, but I had definitely wounded him. It was what was best. The short time I had spent as his captive had changed me, and I was sure if I didn't get away soon, he would break me.

He was dangerous. 

Dante was a black hole, consuming everything in his path and spitting out the bones, leaving nothing but a hollow vessel. It was his passion—to break and to mold, to marvel at the rupture of one's virtue.

It's easy to fall victim to the dark and become its friend. To let madness consume your soul is peace.

I've never had to fight between being a good or bad person, until he found me.

The world was better off without him in it.

I pushed forward with the mindset that I was headed somewhere safe. That soon, I would reach a town, people, or the police. 

The sound of wood breaking behind me filled me with terror.

I turned, finding only an empty road.

The heavy wooded forest at my side. 

I regretted not having a weapon on me, knowing the woods were filled with things far worse than predatory animals. Things like Dante.

My heart was hammering. My legs moved quicker. The sounds grew louder.

"Hello darling."

I ran straight into the chest of a man. Pale against the moonlight. I stumbled back.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" He smirked.

I shivered at the way his eyes ate up my body in nothing but Dante's long shirt. I recognized that look in his eyes. It was the same look Dante gave me when he was thirsting for my blood. I backed away instinctively.

"Stay away!" I demanded. Taking a defensive stance. I looked behind him, assuring there was no one else.

I had no idea what he was doing out here. How he had appeared in front of me. There was no car in sight.

He curiously glanced at my neck and he smirked. "You've been marked," he inhaled deeply, "but not claimed." He smiled widely, making my heart race.

His teeth were sharp. His eyes slowly overcome with a shine of magenta.

"You're a demon." I backed away from his approaching steps.

"I'm sure you're familiar with our kind. I can smell demonic essence in your blood. Drew me right to you." He licked his lips. "But I see no holder, so I take it you're free for the taking. Which is great for me, cause darling I'm starving." He swallowed hungrily, stalking towards me.

I was defenseless. He rushed before me and my leg swung out to try and hit him, but he moved like a breeze, appearing behind me and my back hit the pavement hard as his body kicked mine. 

My neck ached. The sudden hit to my head paralyzing me for a moment. 

My ankle was grasped as he began to drag my body towards him. My foot slammed against his hand and I cried out in pain, feeling his talons dig into my skin. 

He dropped me.

Lifting me up by the arm, I felt as though it would pop out its socket if I struggled.

He gripped the back of my neck, sliding his arm between the front of my elbows and pulled my arms back. I cried out. Sobbing as he held me prisoner in his arms.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll make this quick." His mouth opened wide, breaking his jaw to allow the length of his sharp teeth to push through. He pulled my head to the side and chomped down, leaving me with a pain so immense I let out a blood-curdling scream. 

My body, flailing. My bones breaking to his growls.

There was no numbing or high like I had felt with Dante. There was only a white hot pain in my veins, as if they had been set on fire. I wanted to fight, but how could I? My soul was slipping at the rate my blood was being taken.

And suddenly, I was flying. Light as a feather. I fell to my knees. My neck free from the jaws of death. I turned in time to see the demon behind me fall to the pavement. His head completely gone. I wanted to scream, but his approaching fiery gaze caught me.

"That's my human, bitch." Dante growled, pulling his sharp inky talons out of the demon. They dripped with black blood.

He stalked towards me. His long talons breaking back into his skin. I could've sworn there was a hint of black horns beneath his dark hair, but they were gone before I could take a second glance. There was blood on his shirt. On his neck, but no wound. His face looked smooth. As if I had never burned him. There was a shine in his eyes. A smirk on his face that was anything but happy. He was fucking pissed and I could feel it.

The closer he got, the wider he smiled, the crazier he looked. Then, the fire in his eyes blew out like a candle. He glared at my face with dark eyes. My body was hauled off the ground by his strong hand. He lifted me to the tips of my toes, looking me dead in the eyes as I struggled for balance.

"DoNe plAyiNnng, hUuuman." That deep guttural voice spoke from within.

And without warning, everything swirled around us. I fell to the ground, catching my breath, pushing back the feel of vomit rising when I heard soft mumbles and cries.

Dante was standing next to me. Inky black eyes facing the wall. I followed his gaze and shook in fear and helplessness. 

Four people were gagged and tied to chairs against the wall.

"Sign my contact or all four of these humans will die because of you." He informed, breathing heavily.

Immediately, all their eyes fell onto me.

Author Note:

Hey loves, I hope you enjoyed that chapter.

Questions: what would you do in Amra's place? Would you sign Dante's contract?

I'll try and update this week, but tbh I've been dealing with severe depression. I've been trying to battle it and not let it in, but if u have depression you know how hard it can be.

Anyways, vote. Comment. You guys are amazing and I really enjoy reading your comments and having ur support. It truly makes me happy in life.

Next chapter will be a bit creepy. A bit deep.


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