Chapter 14

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[surprise! Double update for my Dante fans!]


Amra...Amra...Amra...HuNT, Rrrruin, DeSsstRoy, BiTe, BiTe, Tttassste!

The demon stirred, pacing back and forth beneath my skin. Its restless energy was starting to drive me mad, I could hardly think without wanting to lash at something, taste blood.

I'm working on it, I growled, lighting up a cigarette and placing it between my lips. Chill already, you're annoying me.

YoU lET...herrrr... sliPpp awAy, it dug my talons into my abdomen, ripping through flesh until it was squeezing our lungs.

I get it, you're mad, I coughed out.

It squeezed harder.

I'll get her back, she belongs to us. I pulled my talons from my lungs and the demon finally settled.

KiLl thiSss oNe, it urged, as I sat on the floor beside the bleeding woman. I finally took an inhale of my cigarette before offering her some of it.

"Oh, that's right, you can't." I smiled, leaning my head against her shoulder. "You know, had you been kinder, I might not have done that." I sighed, looking at the puddle of blood below her hands.

KiLl heRrr.

Not yet.

"You know, I came here looking for Amra. Guess I was hoping that maybe she'd escaped that wicked angel, but I guess she hasn't realized who the real bad guy is." I crossed one leg over the other, getting comfortable. "Doesn't matter. I'll still have her, and when I do, you're gonna wish I had killed you now."

I reached into my pocket, digging out a set of photos Amra's roommate had tried to keep hidden. "I have a knack for digging out wicked things, and the scent around these was just downright filthy." I looked at the photos carefully, the demon inside me began salivating, ready to dig into the woman beside me and carve her to pieces.

"But this wasn't all your work, was it, Sofia?"

She coughed out, trying to speak but choking on her blood. Guess I shouldn't have torn into her neck, but I found her voice repulsive.

I inhaled the photos carefully, memorizing the other human scent.

HuNt, the demon grinned eagerly.

Yes, hunt. I stood up, flicking my cigarette at Sofia's feet before leaning down to her level. "That other scent is all around you and this house. I have a feeling whoever this scent belongs to is someone close to you."

Her eyes widened and it gave me the answer I needed.

"Well, just know his fate will be worse than yours, but first, I need my angel." I watched the blood drip from Sofia's lips. I was tempted to just end her here, but that would be too easy. She was going to suffer, and so was the other person whose scent was on these photos.

"For now," I felt the fire in my eyes swirl, hypnotizing and clouding her vision. "I want you to suffer." I reached in and drew out her wicked heart.

She barely had a chance to catch her breath. I placed the bloody beating thing into her hands. In an instant, the shadows around my hands kept her heart beating and the blood flowing in her veins.

Sofia lay there motionless, eyes wide-open, unblinking as she was trapped in perpetual death. Satisfied, I left her room and followed the familiar scent that dragged me towards another bedroom.

I stepped into the purple colored room, past the messy clothes on the floor, stopping at the vanity against the wall where a picture of Amra and Sofia was tucked into the mirror. I took it, tearing it in half, discarding the half with that snake with limbs.

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