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4 years later

"Theo?" Amra kneeled to the ground as her son ran towards her, the whites of his eyes slightly red as if he held back tears. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"That rude boy pushed me off the steps mom and I got hurt," he touched his knee where he was bleeding slightly, and hissed in pain as he touched it.

"Oh, come here baby, let's clean it up and then I'll have a word with that boy's mother." She held Theo's hand when Ambrose made his way over eyeing his brother with worry.

"What happened to Theo, mom?" His big grey eyes looked from Theo to Amra with a furrow of his brow,

"That boy pushed me—" Theo grunted as he moved towards the bench with Amra, his eyes even more watery.

Amra ran her hands through Theo's light brown hair, trying to sooth him. She was about to ask Ambrose to get her first aid from her purse when she noticed the look of Ambrose's face.

She shuttered. Ambrose had the angriest look on his face, but that wasn't what worried her the most, his usual grey eyes had turned into a bright red that any minute could get the attention of others.

"Ambrose, baby." She reached out to take his hand, and when his face remained stoic, she wrapped him into an embrace that made her body feel cold. "Breathe, Ambrose. It's okay, hunny."

"He. Hurt. My. Brother." He growled. "I will teach him a lesson."

"No, you will not Ambrose."

"But mom—"

"Not everything in this world is solved with violence. You need to think clearly, baby." She took a deep breath making Ambrose mimic her.

This was the first time she had seen Ambrose's power.

When the twins had been born, she'd expected them to come out horned or winged, but they had looked completely average and that had given her some peace and hope. Other than how fast they had grown, it seemed everything else was in control, but now...

She knew that might change as they grew and she wasn't sure she'd be prepared, but looking at Ambrose now she knew exactly what she needed to do.

After all these years, Camiel and Alia's threat had always haunted her. Ambrose was part demon and if he used those powers to do evil, that meant they could come for him.


"Dante?" She looked up beside her, where Dante had materialized. She looked around making sure no one had seen him. The other children were still playing, and the adult's eyes were either on their phone or their kids.

"I sensed something was wrong." He paused, and Amra knew he was now staring at Theo. He'd yet to see Ambrose as she had him tucked into her chest.

Dante kneeled beside the crying Theo. "Why does my son cry?" He arched a brow at Theo who immediately stopped crying and instead looked slightly embarrassed.

"That boy pushed me off the steps," he looked at his feet.

"Raise your head, boy. Never let them see you cry and never let them bring you down, understand?"

"Yes, father." He nodded his head and wiped his tears.

Ambrose then slipped from Amra's grasp, rushing to stand in front of Dante. Still fuming and breathing hard, his small hands were tightly wound in a fist. "Father, I wanted to punish that boy, but mom said I couldn't."

By the look on Dante's face, Amra could tell Ambrose eyes must've still been blood red. A slow proudful smile rose over Dante's cheek as he stared at his son, but then when his eyes met Amra's glare, his smile dropped. "Mom... is right, Ambrose."

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