Chapter 16

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I hit the dirty tile floor beneath me on my ass

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I hit the dirty tile floor beneath me on my ass. Everything around me looked broken and damaged.

      The sound of heavy breathing mixed with deep growls caught me. I pulled my hair back and looked at the shine of black boots and leather pants, following them up. Dante was sitting in a chair watching me with heavy breaths. His arms were pale and veiny, exposing the violent red blood stains on his hands.

      His chest was expanding widely with rage. There was spots of blood red on his neck and sharp jaw. My heart skipped when I saw two small exposed dark horns protrude from his wild black hair and his eyes were both fire and midnight.


He tilted his head, regarding me with a faint, cruel smile. When he spoke, his voice was a disturbing mix of Dante's familiar tone and the wicked demon hiding beneath his skin. "Angel."      

He left the chair and marched to me. I had no time to move and swiftly he grabbed the back of my head and fisted my hair tightly as he brought me close to him. The temperature dropped several degrees as he held me roughly against him. There was hatred in those inky eyes. For a moment, it reminded me of the pain I had seen him in, in my dream... after he had fallen.

     "Let me go." I squirmed.

     Dante pulled the neck of my shirt, dropping his gaze from me to the crevasse of my neck where his bite mark was fading.

      He let go of my hair and stroked the mark gently.  His horns receded. Then he met my gaze, full of fury and hatred.

      I shivered, my teeth clattering from the cold. I could see our breaths in the air. He had no need to hold me so closely, he could've easily held me the way he did that day in the alleyway— with his power.

      He was beyond furious.

      "I'll kill everything and everyone you love." He murmured, in a low raspy voice.

      "What?" I looked into his eyes, then at the blood that stained his pale skin. "What did you do, Dante?"

      I squirmed in his hold. His hand fisted my hair again, making sure I stared at his burning dark red eyes. His deadly glare traveled from my eyes to my lips.

     "Mine!" with a growl, his lips claimed mine, taking me with both hunger and hatred. My body quivered and I fought him, pounding on his chest. It was ineffective. He savored my lips like his favorite meal.

      Dante released a deep, feral growl from within his chest and I parted my lips in a gasp. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss.

      How could a demon, a killer, kiss me so tenderly?

     I hadn't even realized he had let go of his rough hold on me until he pulled my hands up to his hair where I gripped his strands tightly in my fingers. He held me and kissed me as if he loved me and hated me in the same moments.

      His hands cupped my face and stained it with blood. Someone's blood— and I remembered what Cam had told me.

      That Dante was on a killing spree.

My grip on Dante's hair tightened and I yanked his lips from mine. "Stop, Dante." I panted. "Just stop..."

With a growl, Dante stepped back. Then out of his pocket, he pulled out a set of photos that he threw towards me.

Warily, I bent down to grab them and my heart dropped. "What the hell is this, Dante?" I flipped through each polaroid feeling sick to my stomach, watching  photos of me taken by someone who had been in my room. I felt disgusted and exposed.

Dante smiled and shot me a lethal look through slit eyes. "Your lovely Sofia took those. Let's just say she had plans for you, but don't worry about it baby I took care of her," he threw a bloodied heart on the broken table next to him.

"Y-you killed her?"

      Dante's proud smirk was my answer.

"Why?!" I cried. "Why, Dante!! Why?" I felt like I was breaking. Realizing Dante had ripped out Sofia's heart from her chest. Was this my punishment for not signing his contract? For leaving his side? With a heavy heart, I closed my eyes to Sofia's heart on the table.

      Everything around me felt like a dream. I looked through the damage and I screamed. Realizing this was my room.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?!" I lashed at him, enraged as he looked at me with a lethal glare.

      I stared from Sofia's ripped heart on the table to him, realizing he would never stop.

      "I'm going to kill you Dante." I balled my hands to fists.

     Dante smiled at that. His eyes ignited by the red fire that colored his irises. " I hope so Amra," He suddenly leaned forward, catching me off guard. With my back plush against the wall he whispered, "Because I'll never stop. I'd put up with you killing me a thousand times than being without you a thousand lives."

    He pulled away from me. I was in complete shock. My jaw unhinged. Dante stepped back, "Use the mark to find me or Sofia's brother is next." and with that he disappeared and my soul flung back into my body.


Hey! Hi! Wassup?

I'm Terribly sorry for the long wait! I can't tell you how many times I rewrote this chapter because I wasn't happy with it.

Idk when I'll update next but I'll try and update soon.

I've been having a good laugh at some of your comments 😂 Dante definitely loves the attention! 

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