Chapter 38

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Dante had no time to flash them somewhere more remote, so he'd flashed them all to the nearest empty building. An office. 

Duct tape wouldn't be enough to secure these angels, but demon blood. Yes, that would weaken them long enough to get what he needed before ripping their throats out.

Not long after, the two angels had woken up, tried to escape, but failed.

"Tell me where she is." Dante demanded the second their eyes opened.

"Lily, we should go." Arlo blocked her view.


She was just as stubborn as Amra, if not more. 

Dante would have flashed without them, but the stormy eyed girl was persistent, and Dante had no time to argue with her. He'd flashed all of them. She'd leave soon enough anyway, not many had the stomach for torture and if she didn't leave, he was sure Arlo would drag her out.

The angel smiled and that is when Dante drove the sharp end of his wing into the angel's chest, causing the angel to cry out in agony.

"Suit yourself." He dug deeper, struck the veins of the angel's heart, slowly, oh so slowly, enjoying the screams like audible chocolate to his ears, while the other angel looked on in horror.

KiLL thEm, miSss heRr, neEd heRr....

He'd tried to locate Amra, but something was blocking him... not something, someone, and Dante knew she had to be with Camiel already.

Dante fought the urge to pierce the sharp end of his wing straight into the angel's heart and dig it out, but Amra, his angel... a vision of her in his arms sated the blood thirst.

"I-I don't know!" The angel cried.

Dante smirked sinisterly. "Then allow me to jog your memory."

"Lily!" Arlo clutched his arm around her.

"Fine." She said with a nauseous tone as Arlo took her out into the hall.

As the pair left, Dante's demon salivating, him full of rage, he licked across his teeth. Let the real fun begin.


Lily jolted every time a scream came from the room. She couldn't imagine what Dante was doing to get information from the angels. She tried to listen when the screams would wash down...fortified...heavily guarded...she could make out some words, never see her again... which was followed by a roar and agonizing screams.

How no one had been alerted they were there was beyond her.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed before Dante walked out of that room.

She didn't dare peek in there. The blood around his arms and the abrupt silence told her enough. 

Dante really had changed from the days she remembered him— dark chestnut hair had haloed across his face, gentle brown eyes that comforted her in her worst days, and he'd always worn the softest cloths of white, a warm golden aura had surrounded him, but that aura of peace he once carried with him was now chaos.

What had happened to him? Why was he no longer an angel but a demon-looking man, such as the one that stood beside her.

"Did they give you her location?" She asked.

Dante nodded. He started down the hall.  "Arlo take her and keep her somewhere safe."

He would flash soon if Lily did not stop him. Did he forget I'm Amra's sister? She too wanted to fight to save her, just as Amra had saved her as a child.

"No, I am going with you. I can help." She caught up before Arlo could take her arm.


"I heard them. That place is fortified, heavily guarded. You plan on just waltzing in there?"

"I am a demon, you are a puny human who can get injured. I will return with Amra."


"No, Lily." He stopped walking. "I need you to promise you will not interfere."




"Too bad then." He flashed.

"Son of a bitch!" She turned back, maybe the angels would tell her where Amra was, if they were still alive, but a strong hand gripped her arm.

"Don't even think about it." Neon green eyes narrowed in on her. "I'll tie you down if I have to."

Arlo, she had almost forgotten about him, the one who had apparently been protecting her for weeks now. A strand of black wavy hair fell over his face and Lily felt a little unsteady. Demons were not so bad looking... in fact, if the situation wasn't so critical, she would take Arlo up on that offer, ropes and chains didn't scare her.

"We can do that after."

Arlo's dark irises widened, a hiss under his breath.


"Now tell me where my sister is, I know you could hear what the angel's told Dante."

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