Chapter 50

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"Miss me?" That voice was tinged with a playful familiarity that left Amra speechless.

Amra opened her eyes, looked up, and blinked once, twice, three times, but each time her heart faltered as she looked into the eyes of  the man that had plagued her dreams for nights on end.

It's him, she realized. He had the same dark brown hair she had followed out the forest to his endless demise. But now she could finally see his face and she swallowed the fire that settled deep within her. 

This was an angel, so why did he call her one?

He was...was so...

            "Beautiful, I know." He chuckled. "I missed you too, angel."

Missed me?

And before she could say another word, he'd wrapped her tighter in his arms, lifted her as if she weighed a feather, and pressed his lips firmly into hers.  

Amra felt a jolt of heat spear straight through her. 

He'd kissed her! This strange man had just kissed her and... and... oh hell, as her body melted into his intoxicating, mind-blowing touch, she realized she liked it.

Her lips and body moved, welcoming him as if he had been her longtime lover, but her mind... it just wasn't there yet.

And so, as hot, and tall, and muscular as he was, Amra pulled her lips from his—preparing to give him the speech of his life—but she was breathless, delirium still hummed in her veins, as if his kiss had made her drunk, and she was left panting, trying to catch her breath as she tried to form thoughts.

As relieved as she was to be in his arms and out of the angel's, she did not know if he would also pose a threat to her child. She cradled her belly defensively, but that seemed to bring a massive smile to his face. 

"Angel, is this mine?" His eyes were glued to her belly. "Oh, yes...I can feel my bloodline. No wonder I was drawn here." He said proudly, his grip tightening carefully yet possessively, "Have you been carrying my baby all on your own, my little warrior?"

His baby? Amra was utterly confused. She tried to shuffle from his grasp but an angry booming voice kept her within the strangers arms. 

            "How the hell are you still alive?!" The angel's voice made her tremble. It was as deadly as those ice-cold eyes.

Amra decided she might be better off staying where she was, because the man that held her stood strong, holding her so closely her body felt his warmth, and... protection. Why? She wasn't sure, but as she looked up at him,  awe took over her.

She'd expected some malice to show in his face, but her cheeks went red, when she realized he had not removed his gaze from her, and only when she bit her lip, did his eyes grow with such blazing, stirring fire, that she was forced to look away.

            "Camiel, shut the fuck up for a moment." The man holding her finally shifted his gaze to the angel.

Fat chance someone like that angel would shut up, she knew he'd retaliate, but to her surprise and utter horror, the angel suddenly dropped to the ground. Blood began dripping from his mouth and nose as he screamed in pain, so loudly, she was sure any moment the cops would show up.

What the hell is happening? She watched in revulsion as the angel appeared to be bleeding out.

She had no idea how no one had noticed what the hell was happening just outside the inn yet, but as she looked around her, trying to see if anyone was approaching, she noticed a faint glimmer, like a shield of some sort, surrounded them.

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