Chapter 30

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"So you had amnesia?"

"Somewhat." Amra said, letting out a breath. Everything was so complicated and she had to find a way to explain it to Lily. " I...I always had this feeling, like I was missing a big piece of my life, and I just wasn't sure what. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago, when I was finally able to get some of those memories back, that I finally realized what had been missing." Her gaze dropped to her hands.  "But... even now, I don't have all of my memories back...just some of the worst ones."

Lily's expression softened, her eyes understanding. "You remember that night?" She said gently.

Amra nodded, her throat tightening at that memory. "I remember what I did to our father and... " her voice cracked, tears glimmering in her eyes. "...the look of horror in your eyes."

"Horror ?" Lily blinked owlishly, knitting her brows together in both surprise and agony. "Oh, no, Amra, not at you." She shook her head fervently, clasping onto her sister's shoulder. "It was at our father, not you, Amra. I remember that night so clearly, and..." Lily swallowed back a sob. "What you did for us... for me and Alexie, we will never forget the day you saved our lives." Her tears sprung down her face freely. 

So Lily didn't hate her. Amra felt an immense amount of relief. Her heart ached as Lily's words struck her. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand.

"So, then you don't know why we were separated either?" Amra asked, her voice tinged with sadness. It was the question that had been haunting her her whole life.

"No." Lily said sadly, but took Amra's hand. "But you're here now." She pulled Amra into an affectionate hug.  "My sister is back, and we have all the time in the world to catch up." Lily's eyes glimmered with hope.

"Yeah," Amra managed to respond, but she felt a pang of guilt weighing heavy on her soul. This is why she would have preferred her sister not remember her—because now she would have to abandon them once more.

"Oh," Lily suddenly piped up. "Is that your boyfriend?"

Amra followed Lily's gaze towards Dante leaning against one of the cars in the parking lot. Besides it being nighttime, he had on dark sunglasses to hide his unnatural eyes from Lily. Amra knew if she could see him now, it meant that it was time to go.

"Oh, um, yeah. He's actually the one that helped me find you."

"Really!" Lily's smile widened. "That was awfully nice of him! Can I meet him? He looks famil—"

A deafening boom shattered the air around them, with such a force, it knocked Lily and Amra off their feet, sending them tumbling in opposite directions. 

The ground shook beneath them.

A blinding light seared Amra's vision, followed by a disorienting darkness that her eyes struggled to adjust to. It took a moment for her instincts to kick in, and her body shifted into fight mode. 

The air felt charged, and her skin prickled with electricity as her heart raced. 

Amra coughed in pain. Her thoughts racing to comprehend what had happened. Her mind instantly called out to Lily, to Dante, trying to find them in the aftermath of the blast.  

A blackout had engulfed the area as far as she could see. A jolt of adrenaline shot through her, making her heart race and panic settle like a stone in her belly. She couldn't hear anything but the sound of her short breaths.

What had happened?

A shimmer of movement above her caught her attention. She looked up, enthralled by the glimmer that seemed to move like waves against the night sky. Her gaze followed it, realizing the glimmer of darkness was all around them, like a pool of obscurity cocooning them from leaving. 

The sound of footsteps on gravel reached Amra's ears and she turned her attention towards it, heart racing in anticipation. Her breath hitched as her gaze fell upon the sight before her.

There, standing nearby, were the backs of three angels, staring at the massive demon Dante had transformed into.


AN: I don't know about y'all, but I missed ass kicking Dante!

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