Chapter 51

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For fucks sake, Amra sighed and laughed as Lily for once was tongue-tied.

She had been dumbfounded for the last 10 minutes. When Alexie appeared, the same thing happened.

Now they all sat back in their hotel. Dante had been able to get their memories back and after Amra had caught them up, the questions were coming out faster than a strike of lightning. Questions she too wanted answers too.

She remembered everything now and although Dante was here, holding her rather possessively on his lap, she was dying to know how he had survived. It seemed that night had been full of miracles.

Camiel would not have let Dante live. So, she knew this had nothing to do with his grace. She wondered if perhaps Dante had had a plan she didn't know of.

            "How did you survive being hit by the Aegis? Camiel said it would kill evil." Amra asked, shaking as the memory of that night passed through her. 

Lily and Alexie seemed just as intrigued to know the answer as well, inching closer in their seats to make sure they didn't miss a word. Meanwhile, Amra had suddenly noticed, with irritation, that her bag was on the floor beside her bed. She wondered if perhaps it had been Camiel's doing, as a way to lure her out of the room.

            Dante's voice brought her back to reality, she could care less about her bag.

"The instrument was meant to kill evil, and it did. I think when Camiel hit me with the instrument, it killed the evil inside me. Banished the demon back to hell. When I awoke next, I was falling from the sky."

            Amra perked up hearing that. Her dreams suddenly made sense. "You landed in a forest?"

            "Yes," Dante narrowed his eyes at her.  "How did you know?"

            "I've been dreaming about it for a while now. I just didn't realize it was you. I would see you walk out that forest until you came to an overpass. Did you really jump into oncoming traffic?"

            Dante smirked wistfully. "I guess that was a bit dramatic, but I needed a ride."

            "And you came here? Which is why we were having dreams about this place?" Alexie spoke up this time. 

Amra could tell this was difficult for him. Unlike Amra, she had had some time to adjust to realizing demons and angels existed. Alexie was thrown into it at the very last minute. She assumed the only reason Lily was so calm was because of Arlo. Back at the campus, she'd seemed oddly in tune with the green-eyed demon.

Dante's rust-colored eyes turned to face Alexie before giving him a nod. 

"Interacting with demonic or angelic power can leave a tether inside a human. It's possible that even though the angels erased your memories, our interaction was enough to create a link between us."

            "So, what are you now?" Alexie asked. "If you're no longer cursed with a demon, then what are you?"

Amra looked up at Dante wide-eyed. She had almost forgotten about the fact that he no longer held a demon inside him. Camiel had confirmed it, as had Alia, and Dante. 

If he wasn't cursed anymore, what did that mean? And where was his demon counterpart? Was it an actual living thing residing in hell? Could it escape and merge back with Dante or was it destroyed because of the weapon?

Amra had so many questions about the man holding her. The man she'd sold her soul to and even made a child with.

            "I believe I'm just a fallen. Half human, half of the remaining Angel I am..." He didn't seem to know the exact answer himself.

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