Chapter 3

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With a sharp cut of the air that made me nauseous, we reappeared just outside the house Dante was keeping me hostage in.

The bark was chipped, the porch was falling apart, through the windows the house looked dark and vacant.

Dante dropped me from his arms where I landed harshly on the ground, still too dazed to get up. The palm of my hands held small indents from the dirt and pebbles beneath me. The tall grass made my skin itch.

I looked up at Dante, who stood there silently watching the house tinged by an eerie calmness that even I knew was about to break.

I had to get out of here. Dante seemed distracted enough for me to make a swift departure.

The moonlight could light the path to my freedom, but even so, we were surrounded by thick forest and all the trees made the small light provided by the moon morph to darkness and shadow.

I realized we had to be way out of town and a run through the never-ending trees seemed like a botched idea but I had to try.

Slowly, I started crawling away. Dante seemed oblivious to my actions.

When I was far enough, I stood up, preparing to run. My eyes were on Dante's back the whole time.

I took a sharp inhale of breath, turned around, and began to run.

I made it past two tree's when I began to feel that familiar heaviness wrap around my body.

It felt as though I was trying to run underwater. No matter how hard I pushed, my legs and my muscles began to feel weak. My body felt like jelly and I fell to the ground exhausted.

I turned my attention towards Dante who still faced the house, but he had one gloved hand pointed at me.

As he lifted it, my body lifted, and when he moved his hand toward his body, I began being dragged back toward him by an invisible lasso, until I was right by his side again.

"Great escape plan Indiana. Now be a good girl and stay." He patted me on the head like a dog.

"Let me go, you freak!"

"Ouch." He acted as if I had hit him. "No need to be so rude, darling. See I was planning on keeping you alive, but not with that attitude. Now shut up! I'm trying to listen."

A booming noise was heard from the house and it visibly shook. Whatever was in there, it was big and angry.

"Looks like he found the other bodies." Dante whispered to himself, smirking proudly. Five translucent white lights shot into the air, floating gently up until they disappeared.

"What's going on, Dante?"

"They're here."

"Yeah you said that already. Who are they ?"

"Sentinels." He answered unpleasantly.

"Sentinels? What do  they—" I was cut off by the front door flying off its hinges.

It was silent for a moment, before a large man stepped out.

His large leather boots hit the ground, making dust lift off the floor. A chilling draft filled the air as the dust settled and the stranger stepped forward. His face was sharp and angular, and his eyes were just as lethal as Dante's, except for the color difference. This man's eyes were an iceberg. A shade of white with light blue streaks. They shone in the darkness like a cats.

His eyes locked onto Dante's before shifting to me. My heart skipped a beat the second our eyes met, and a tremble ran down my spine. His silver hair seemed to shimmer in the faint light, and a sense of familiarity washed over me, which was unsettling.

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