Chapter 21

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Song for this chapter is Follow You by Bring Me the Horizon,

Im sure I've posted this song in a prior chapter but I don't care, it helped me finish this chapter. Mother Tongue also inspired this chapter.


     "What do you remember from the night you accepted my contract?" Dante asked. He already had another cigarette in his mouth, and I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't craving one.

     I looked up, remembering that night. There was a lot I wanted to skip through, and eventually, I found my way through the memory of my blood print hitting the contract, the look of disappointment in Camael's face, and the look of triumph on Dante's...and then, the dark veins that spread through my arms.

     "I remember thinking I was cursed." I shuddered at the memory, involuntarily stroking my arms as if I could still feel the dark veins like ivy running up my skin. "What did you do to me, Dante?" I turned to face him anxiously.

     "You're a liability now." He said simply. "I knew the minute you accepted; you'd become Cam's next target. Human or not, he wouldn't let you live. It's against his... nature."

     "So," He continued,  an ill-behaved shine in his eyes and curve of his lip. "I took the liberty of adding a little extra to the contract. I knew you weren't going to read it anyway—"

     "Dante," I growled.

     He shrugged his shoulders, looking down at me with those ruby red eyes. "Can't have you defenseless when we kill Cam."

     "Dante, we're not killing Cam!"

     He huffed, "Fine then I'll just have a nice long talk with him..."

     I raised a brow.

     "with my talons." He finally added.

     "Yeah, that's not happening."

     Dante rolled his eyes, sighing. His brows furrowed and a small vein in his jaw ticked. He fully turned to face me now.

     "Then what do you want, Amra?" He snarled, stepping closer. "You want us to meet with him and convince him not to kill us?" He chuckled, as if just the idea was the best joke he'd ever heard. "If you don't think for one minute he'd chop your head off the minute he sees you, you're wrong. You're impure now. You always have bee—"

     I slapped him hard in the face before he could finish that sentence. Before I registered what I was doing.

     Dante's fiery eyes turned black. He'd finally pushed me to the edge of the balcony. I gulped, listening to the growls coming from his chest.

     "I'm here, because of you," I somehow mustered the strength to finally say. "I-If I'm in danger it's because of you. If I'm impure... It's because of you, Dante. If I'm a liability to you, it's because of you. Because let's face it, you could easily kill me and be rid of any problems, but you haven't... why?"

     Dante's eyes were ungodly black, approaching me with a sneer, bringing those razor-sharp teeth inches from my face as he pulled me towards him "I should fucking end you, devour you, but every fucking time I see your face, hear your voice, smell your scent, you do twisted things to my mind, you cloud my judgement. I knew you were like me the second you were in my grasp and finding out you were the reason for my fall should have been enough of a reason to stop your heart from beating, but all I see, when I look into your gray eyes, is that damned memory. And all that makes me think about is how I would fall over and over, again and again, for you."

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