Chapter 46

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"Let's go!" Alexie honked the car horn.

"Shut up! We're here." Lily opened the passenger door and smacked him in the head.

"Owch!" He rubbed his head and grunted. "I should've left you both."

"Then everyone would really think you have no friends!" Amra jumped into the backseat and reached for the charger cord in Alexie's car. "I'm DJ."

"You guys are assholes," he turned up the music and drove out towards the party once they had all settled.

"I'm so happy finals are over!" Lily shouted, as she danced to the song.

Amra joined her from the backseat, actually thrilled that finals were over and now they had the whole summer to enjoy! 

She was thankful her siblings were so close in age, it made it easy for them to go out together. 

If her mother was still alive, she was sure she would be so happy for them, but they had Sandy and not a day went by that Sandy didn't tell them how proud she was of them.

Amra let the stress of the semester, of the past, fade into the back as her and Lily sang loudly and obnoxiously, enough that even Alexie decided to join in.

When they finally pulled up, Amra was astounded, "I thought it was a small party?"

"Peter had family coming over, plus some friends, and plus their friends..."

"Come on, Amra," Lily pulled her out the backseat.

Drinks were practically in their hands as soon as they entered. The bass of music moved them to a bounce, but Alexie took them from the dance floor before Amra and Lily could dance.

"Alexie!" Amra frowned, wanting to keep dancing. God, it had been so long since she last danced. How long exactly?  Agh, trying to remember made her brain hurt. When was the last time I was out? Why can't I rememb—


Amra turned around thinking she heard a familiar voice. 

Sadly, she realized that voice had come from somewhere in her mind. It felt like a dream. A memory of someone's voice. But she didn't know anyone named Angel.

As she turned back to face Alexie, she thought she saw a pair of red eyes staring at her, but when she shook her head, it was just a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes staring at her. 

Am I going crazy?

"Sorry, please. You two promised." Alexie said rather impatiently.

"Alright, let's hurry then so me and Amra can go back to dancing." Lily rolled her neck as she groaned. "Come on, Amra."

"Coming." Amra had almost forgotten the real reason Alexie had agreed to bring them along. He was in love with Gloria, Peter's cousin, and because Peter was protective of his family, it was up to Lily and Amra to distract Peter and get Gloria to talk to Alexie.

Amra decided to forget about what had just happened, right now, she just wanted to relax and have fun. As she approached the seating by the pool, she couldn't help but smile as Peter's gaze lifted and welcomed her.




The forest was spinning. Ugh, Amra wanted it to stop. It was the same dream as before. She would wake up in a forest, follow the brown-haired man, but this time it was different. The forest was spinning rapidly, making her feel incredibly dizzy.

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