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"Ahh, that stupid Kevin!" Robin stumbled through the thicket in the woods. She hadn't wanted to take it so late, but as she was walking along the sidewalk, on her way home from tutoring, she had spotted Kevin and his hounds a couple meters away.

And seeing as they hadn't spotted her, she opted for cutting across the small forest area that had been gated—unless you looked hard enough—and besides knowing she shouldn't be in here, at night, when the wind was whipping with the threat of a storm, she had gripped the iron fence, crutched under it, and slid through the opening.

She would much rather trudge for a couple minutes through rain than have to deal with him.

So, Robin had been careful not to scratch herself or get her backpack caught. Then she might have gotten trapped and if Kevin saw her, that would not be good.

Ew, Kevin. She'd skillfully made it to the other end and began her walk.

He wasn't particularly bad... but he was a brute, a brute with a clear crush on her and as a result of her negligence towards his advances—she rolled her eyes just thinking about it— he'd made it his mission to poke and taunt her at every turn now.

Kevin wasn't the worst looking, she thought to herself, and then hated herself for having that thought, but however painful it was to admit, it held some truth. Kevineven his name is stupid, she groaned— was that guy in school most girls shamelessly flirted with and stupidly threw themselves at, and so he had gained the reputation as a player... a player Robin had no interest in, because—ugh, she sighed sadly—her stupid heart only seemed to beat around a stupid grumpy boy she couldn't have.

That no one could have, apparently, as he walked around school ignoring any flirtatious female advances—that made her happier than a kid waking up on their birthday—and his savage eyes made any male immediately back down with their 'tail' between their legs—that made her chuckle, except when it was his eyes that darted at her and rooted her to the floor.

She wished his look would make her feel the fear everyone else felt, but no, not her. Every time she happened to meet his eyes; she felt her stomach coil into fire, as if she'd swallowed liquid desire.

No matter how many times she urged herself, and others like her mother, urged her to stay away from him and his 'weird' family, she couldn't help it.

They had, for the better part of her life, grown up together. And as short lived as that had been, she still thought about Ambrose. Dreamt of him, knowing he was right next door, only a couple feet away in his own bedroom. She'd often been able to spot him through her window, but for fear of getting caught, she'd hid. Ha, she chuckled to herself, it seemed that the only time she feared him, was when there was a chance she'd get caught ogling him.

Stupid, stupid heart, beat for someone else! Anyone elhuh, Robin stopped walking as the hairs on her arms rose painfully and it wasn't because of the breeze that swooped past her... it was... a feeling.

She suddenly felt like she wasn't alone anymore. The weight of eyes on her made her body tremble. Somethings wrong, she took in her surroundings, looking up into the canvass of trees, down and through the sea of tree trunks, past each dark shadow.

It was too silent. She couldn't pinpoint exactly when it had gone quiet, but it made her even more uncomfortable, her body was on edge as adrenaline began to ready herself to run. Then she had a horrific thought, she remembered hearing somewhere that sometimes the woods go quiet when there is a large predator about.

Fuck you brain, she was panting for breath. With one last look around, she began to move again. She wasn't sure why, but she had a strong feeling that she should not run, she needed to walk carefully, slowly, as if she was backing away from a beast.

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