Note From The Author

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A Message To My Readers:

From the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you guys enough for giving Malevolent a place in your guys virtual library (lol), for voting, for commenting, for those who just read in silence following along, for leaving me wonderful encouraging messages, for all of it!

Thank you for giving my story life!

Malevolent took me years to write, but it was so worth it. So, you, yes you, thank you for reading this till the end, even though it was wildly unedited and updates were slow, you gave my book a chance, so thank you!

I truly hope you all loved this book as much as I loved writing it and though it makes me sad to close this chapter of Amra and Dante's story, there are still wonderful things to come...

So what's next?

I'm currently working on the rewritten version of this story. It will be darker and contain more explicit scenes. Additionally, it won't be as lovey dovey as the ending was in this, but it will still have a great ending.

I have been working on this offline and will be having this story thoroughly revised/edited before  publishing it. 

I'll be posted updates about this story on my socials.

Now, what about the Epilogue?

I no longer want to post chapters as I write them, because I don't want what happened with Malevolent to happened again (i.e., were you guys are waiting months for updates). I plan to finish writing the epilogue to Malevolent (which will follow Ambrose/Theo/Robin's story... Dante & Amra may make a feature or two), and once it is complete I will let you all know :)

However, because I am also in the middle of finishing other works, the epilogue will most likely take a couple years, but fret not my paranormal romance/ demon-lovers, I have other demon stories coming out soon that I'm sure you'll equally enjoy. I have been writing those off Wattpad for a while now, so be on the look out, as they'll be dropping soon.


For any aspiring writers out there, I'll leave you with this quote:

"You may not always write well, but you can edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page."
Jodi Picoult

And for my readers, I'll leave you with this quote:

"As you read a book word by word and page by page, you participate in its creation, just as a cellist playing a Bach suite participates, note by note, in the creation, the coming-to-be, the existence, of the music..."

– Ursula K. Le Guin


Want sneak peaks or progress updates on this book/series? Follow my IG! I'm constantly posting on there what I'm working on, posting polls, inspo boards, among other things!

IG/TT: Akpalvinbooks

Thank you,


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