Chapter 1

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Hello Hello! Make sure to play the song in the video above before or during this beginning scene. I think it really sets the mood :)... Enjoy


Somewhere in the distance the gentle keys of a piano played softly. The melancholy that worked those hands could be commendable, if it wasn't for the contemporaneous sense of disaster that came with each stroke of note. A beautiful but lethal note written only for me.

I silently listened to the piece. In any other setting I would have enjoyed this private concerto, if it didn't feel as if each note was a bullet engraved with my name. Besides my iniquitous way of life I had a love for the piano.

"Amra, Amra, Amra. " He called to me over the sound of each vibrating octave. His voice was as harmonic as the music he played.

"Tell me, what do you think about classical?"

He continued to play, as if forgetting my mouth was still taped shut.

I let out a loud exasperated breath. I was tired, my limbs were sore, the rope imprisoning me to this chair was burning on my skin.

"Ah, yes." Abruptly, his solo ended and I heard his footsteps ascending towards me. 

I felt his smooth hands on my cheek once again and with a sudden movement he ripped the tape off. I hadn't even registered the pain when his fingers invaded my mouth to pull out the small fabric that had been stuffed in there.

I rotated my jaw to relieve the pain. My face stung, like the aftermath of a hard slap. A groan of pain escaped me.

"Oh stop your fussing Amra. At least I took care of the little fuss of hair on your face." He chuckled deeply.

"Asshole." I cursed. 

I couldn't see him.  He'd shielded my eyes with something fabric.  A part of me was glad, because I had the inmost feeling that he was concealing the true monster he was from me.

"So moody. Tell me, is that because you're just a bitch or is it because you're desperate for that little green stuff in your pocket?"

I had no clue what he was talking about until he reached into my pants pocket tugging until he pulled out the small baggy I had hid in there. I had completely forgotten about it.

"Human addiction is so fascinating." He continued, as he shuffled for something. "But this isn't necessarily your drug of choice is it?" He mocked. 

I heard the flicker of a spark-wheel. An overpowering smell of a cigarette hit my nostrils. I could feel the smooth cloud of air push through me as he blew it in my direction.

Normally one would be revolted by this, but I enjoyed the smell of cigarette. I found my teeth grinding for a taste and I think he knew that.

He emitted a small chuckle at my weakness. It made me mad. Why was he playing with me? Why was I tied up to a chair in his basement forced to listen to him play piano? Shouldn't I be ten feet underground by now?

I was glad I was still alive, but that didn't mean I wanted to stay here. I had a feeling he had worse intentions for me than death.

"What do you want from me?" I found my voice, questioning his resolution with me.

Once more, I felt his hands placed on either side of the blindfold on my face as he roughly lifted it, pulling some of my hair upward.

My eyes settled into the darkness as I looked around me. It was practically pitch black in here, except for a small amount of light, coming from an uncovered window. The carpet was a dark red, the walls were a gray cement. To my surprise, there was a small lounge area at the far end, but no TV,  only a couple couches which happened to face some wall hinges.

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