Chapter 6

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Dante had hauled me over his shoulder as he dragged the girl up the stairs and down the hall. I punched at his back, but it was effortless. No matter how hard I kicked or screamed, he wouldn't let either of us go.

The blonde only sobbed.

We entered a room with one bed. He threw the woman on it and finally put me down.

Looking over his shoulder, I noticed the girl looked ghastly pale. She was losing a lot of blood from the bite mark he had made on her neck.

It wouldn't take much for Dante to kill her.

"Amra." Dante grabbed me by the shoulders. He tilted my head up and placed his lips on mine.

This time, I pushed him away.

"You're going to kill her." He threatened.


"You know you want to." He slowly circled me, until he was standing directly behind me.

"Look at her. She's in pain. Putting her out of her misery would be best don't you think?" He cooed.

"No getting her help would be best you sick fuck!"

Dante growled, pressing my back flat against his chest. He pulled my hair down, fisting it in his hands so that my head bent upwards, facing him. His lips were by my ear.

"That's not what you thought when she was straddling me. I believe you thought something along the lines of she deserves it." Dante chuckled.

My mouth opened wide at the realization. I was speechless.

"See baby, you and I aren't so different. Come, I'll help you." He guided me towards the girl.

She began to cough blood.

I felt the cool end of a blade slip through my hands. Dante's hand curled over mine so we were holding it together.

He led the blade towards the girl's heart, where he loomed over it.

Dante slid his hand out my grasp.

"Do it, Amra. Don't be afraid to do something because of guilt. Trust me, she deserves it."

"No one deserves this." I cried.

"Really? Even a child abuser." He mocked.

"I don't believe you, you're a liar."

"Oh, but I'm not. See, just like me, your instincts tell you otherwise. You know her soul is rotten, you can feel it. That's why holding the blade to her chest feels right." He continued.

Dante was right. If I paused and focused on the woman before me, I felt something, an odd buzzing of erratic energy that twisted my stomach, a gut feeling that told me something about her was rotten. 

Why was I suddenly feeling such a thing?

"Ask her about her son." He added.

The blonde was sobbing uncontrollably at this point.

"He's right," she finally spoke, pain drawn on her face.

"Ayden is his name. He's 7. A beautiful boy that sadly resembles his father too much." I saw the hatred in her eyes as she spoke.

I couldn't understand how a mother could hold so much hatred for her own son. I couldn't remember my mother, but deep down, I knew she had been kind, despite where I ended up. 

And though I was not a mother myself, I could never comprehend hurting my child or any child for that matter.

I felt sick looking at this woman and I understood that she was everything and more of a monster than Dante. She hurt an innocent child, knowingly.

An instinct took over that made me want to drive the blade into her over and over.

I lifted it high into the air and slammed the blade down.

Valerie, the blonde, let out a blood piercing scream.

I hadn't punctured her like she thought. Instead, the blade had stabbed into the mattress beside her.

I turned around and walked away.

Dante looked amused.

"Why didn't you kill her?" He demanded to know.

"Because even being the monster she is, I'm not a murderer. Killing her would only make me an equal to her." I walked out the room with that.

Dante was silent.

He let me exit the room. To my surprise, he didn't follow.

What he would do to that woman, I honestly had no care.

He wasn't afraid to stoop down to her level. Dante was a monster after all.

As I walked down the stairs, I had a sinking feeling that I wasn't far from becoming what I feared most.

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