Chapter 11

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Loud pleading voices and tear-filled eyes called to me. My heart ached. I couldn't let them die. They were innocents. And yet, Dante stood there with a menacing grin on his pale face. 

I liked him better when he hid under his hood. At least then, I wouldn't have to see him for the monster he truly was.

"Choose." He growled lowly, a warning.

How could I? I felt as though I had gone mute.

"Dante, you don't have to do this. They are innocents, please." I begged.

He chuckled darkly. His eyes had yet to return to their fiery red, and oddly, I missed it. He sauntered towards me, examining my face shortly.

"Is that what stops you, aNgEL? Their innocence?" He tilted his head. 

God, the thing that spoke within him was monstrous. Its voice sent shivers down my spine.

I didn't say a word and Dante lashed out for my hand. "I'll show you who they really are." He gripped me tighter, and my surroundings went cold.

My body froze in Dante's hold. I had never felt so much power radiate off him. His unholy black eyes looked as if they were bleeding and it lured me in, drew me close as I saw my reflection within them—my black loose hair, my olive blood-stained skin, my gray eyes that turned solid white and I saw what he wanted me to see.

Each individual. Each person tied to the wall, in tears, were monsters. One was a murderer. One was a rapist. One beat his wife and child. The other was a human trafficker. And I felt hate for all of them. I felt sick seeing what they had done to other humans. I wanted their lives to end. To cease to exist.

Anger surged through me, glued to my veins. It became me. Taking over my body as I opened my eyes, and was released from Dante's hold.

Dante dropped me to the ground and I was left panting from the energy he emitted. After everything I had been through, I was so weak and I almost forgot I was relying on him to keep me steady, but his closeness was dangerous...intoxicating, filling me with an unwanted need for bloodshed.

In my hands, I felt a blade and I took it tighter in my grasp. Replaying each sin these people had committed in my mind.

I found myself in front of the man in the middle. The hatred I felt for this man was unbearable. So loud, I wanted it to end. I pulled the fabric out his mouth and he began to sob uncontrollably. Begging me not to take his pathetic life. I shoved the material back into his mouth and shifted my body with the knife.

I let the blade move me. Directing it towards the quietest of all the sinners. A woman in a red dress. She was beautiful. Deep penetrating blue eyes, dark chocolate curls, fair skin and long legs. The murdered. I saw through Dante all the men she had killed ruthlessly. There was no remorse in her eyes what so ever.

I pulled the fabric from her lips and she gave me a wicked smile that made my spine tingle.

"They deserved it." She spat. "As does he." Her gaze traveled to Dante. He smiled back at her.

"Why?" Was all I asked. I wanted her motives. I wanted all of their motives.

They were human after all. Not demoms, like Dante, who were made to be corrupt.

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