Chapter 23

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A/N: I hope you all remember the detailed list of Trigger Warnings at the start of this book, because I just know someones gonna say something about some of the things in this chapter. So, if you need to, you know... go back and read it. Some of you got excited by that, didn't you? Degenerates, lol.

I didn't add it above, but I feel like the song RUNRUNRUN by Dutch Melrose goes perfect with the middle-ish part of this chapter. Feel free to play it on the side, you'll know when.


Dubai was a beautiful city.

I sat on top of a rooftop, overlooking the glittering city below, lost in thought.

Just a smidge of Dante's power had changed me so much. I shivered, remembering my reflection through that awful man's eyes, inky black, just like Dante's. For once, I had a semblance of understanding for what lurked beneath Dante's skin.

I could smell that man's sins like a strong perfume— irritating not just to my nose, but disturbing my soul. That power that flowed through me demanded I end that man...

And yet, I hadn't. Though I doubted he would be doing such an awful thing again.

I might have not killed him, but I had let my anger get the best of me when I broke his dick in two. I'd left him where a person would likely see him. He thought I'd spared him, but something wicked must have crossed my face because he shivered as I told him to turn himself in or I'd return and drag him to his eternal damnation.

Guess, being powerful wasn't so bad. Being scary looking oddly got people to listen.

I'd climbed to the rooftop of a church shortly after. Sitting beside the dark arches and statues. Dante's scent reached me moments before he appeared— smoke with a hint of earthiness. I liked it, it made my mouth salivate.

"Did you kill him?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Ah, so then I suppose he broke his own dick and that's why that ambulance is down there." He said sardonically.

"He deserved it."

Dante made a thoughtful noise, like a chuckle. I glanced over at him— he looked almost... proud? My heart warmed at the sight, but I quickly dosed it. I looked back out to the city, feeling Dante take a seat beside me.

My skin tingled, hyper-aware of him sitting next to me. It was oddly soothing having him join me. He was silent as I enjoyed the cool breeze tousling through my hair, watching the bustling cityscape... but that peace was brief.

There was something that was nagging me.

"Why were you so insistent I kill that man, Dante?" I asked. "Why are you so insistent I be like you?"

Dante tilted his head. For once, no mischief lingered on his face and I was relieved to see he was actually thinking about my question.

"I've been alone in the darkness for a long time, angel." He began. "Hated by both sides, hunted. But with you, I saw a kindred soul— lost, searching. And I hated it. I hated how pure you were because even though we had a common past, you were different. A light in the dark. I wanted to corrupt you. I wanted you to be like me so that..." His words trailed off, his face slightly hardened.

"So that what?" I pressed lightly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it, even though my heart was racing, because for once, Dante was opening up.

But Dante remained quiet, instead he changed the topic. "We should go. It's not safe being out in the open."

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