Chapter 15

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He kneeled before a stone on a dark valley. Large ominous clouds rolled in with the wind, blowing through the tendrils of his long dark hair.

     Standing out from the magnificent scenery with his pale livid skin. He sat torn. Refusing to look at the world.

He looked like a beautiful greek sculpture, carved out of marble. Shaped to form a fallen angel.

The feathers of his white wings moved with the breeze. Enthralling, until the fine edges began to burn. Lit up on their own, as the fire spread from feather to feather. Even so, he did not move. He let his wings burn wildly on his back and all he had to show for the pain was tears, that dripped from his arms-that hid his eyes.

     The fire blazed. Each feather falling to the ground brought a tear to my eyes. Until there was no more.

     Blood and deep slashes marked his back. The marble man moved. The muscles of his back rippled and he screamed in agony. Bringing me to my knees. His cry of pain was feral and yielding. His muscles twisting and turning as darkness seeped from the gashes on his back.

     They were feathers, new and tainted obsidian. Plucking out. Growing into large, equally powerful, wings.

     He stood tall and so did I. Watching in awe as his wings held small calm flames. Dark wings of fire, branding him as a fallen and disgraced. Spread wide and demanding to be seen.

His chest heaved, heavily, painfully. Slowly, his hands left his eyes, falling to his sides. And he opened his eyes, revealing fire. A beautiful burning inferno illuminated his new eyes as he stared into the world he had fallen to. Dante.

     My heart drummed. Dante was panting. His ethereally smooth skin was bare. Flesh hidden behind a burned layer of cloth that exposed his slab of stony abs and muscular arms. His teeth bared. Loss and confusion burned into his crimson irises.

      "Remember " He grit, clenching his jaw. He repeated the words as he took his first steps forward. "Remember."

I awoke with a start. Gasping for breath, my heart beating quickly.

The night was still surrounding me. Blanketing me. I quickly turned on the light from the lamp beside me.

The dream I had just had came back to me. I tried to replay as much as I could before I forgot it. I realized I had tears in my eyes. I stood up, entering the bathroom. My reflection paused me when I noticed Dante's bite mark on my neck. It was redder than usual. A permanent mark of his ownership over me.

I turned on the water faucet, feeling warm. The cool water felt good against my face.


I turned to find Cam at the doorway. "Are you okay?"

I pulled my hair forward, nodding my head. I'm sure my eyes were wildly dilated. Cam was shirtless and I hadn't expected him to be so muscular. His skin was abnormally pale, paler than Dante's. If he was still enough, I was sure he could be mistake for a statue, especially with that silver hair and those white lashes. 

"I heard you scream." He came closer, bringing a warmth with him.

"Yeah—" I bit my lip. "I, umm, had a nightmare."

I diverted my gaze, but his touch beckoned me to him.

"Amra you're safe here with me. You know that right?" He caressed my cheek.

I sighed deeply, his touch making me feel safe. "I know."

Cam backed away slowly and as I stared into his eyes, I got that feeling again. A familiar, odd sensation trickling down my spine as I stared into those icy pools of blue.

"Get some sleep, Amra," he said. "We have an early day." There were heavy bags under Cam's eyes. How had I just noticed how tired he was? There was a wariness there.

"Cam, wait." I caught his arm. He turned around, looking down, confusion knitting his brow. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Cam sighed, "No, I just need you to trust me that I'll keep you safe at all costs."

"You mean because of our plan?"

He nodded his head.

"Cam, I trust that you'll keep me safe, but I still want to know what's going on. I can tell something is concerning you."

He stood there silently, but he didn't have to speak. I knew what was the cause of his worry. 

"What has Dante done?" I asked.

"He's on a killing spree Amra and it's not just sinners he's after now."

I gasped, feeling dread and more than anything powerless. "He won't stop until he gets me, right?"

Cam nodded his head, "It won't come to that, Amra. I won't let him." He caressed my cheek once more, before stepping away.

"I know Cam... I trust you." I met his icy blues. They reminded me of snowflakes against a blue sky.

Cam smiled and walked off into the darkness. Leaving me to myself.

I turned back towards the sink, stroking the necklace around my neck. The Aegis. I had to stop Dante. He couldn't continue to hurt people.


I turned, sure that Cam had returned and came face to face with burning red eyes.


He rushed me in a cloud of black smoke that entered my lungs and I blacked out.


I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!! Time to get malevolent ;D

Dante is definitely thrilled to be out my head and causing mayhem... 😈

Shits gonna go down theses next chapter. So, are you ready?

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Be sure to check out my other works :p

Anovela 🔪

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