Chapter 25

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"Will you be a good girl and handle that?" He breathed out. 

"Yes! Yes! Pl-plea- uuuh-Dante!"

The relentless thrusts, accompanied by the expansion of Dante's powerful thighs, had caused his sweats to tear and slide off his thighs and drop onto the floor by his ankles. 

Amra had heard the fabric of his shirt finally shred apart under the stress. 

Whether intentional or not, she could feel the heat of his velvet girth ride between her legs and grind against her flesh. She wanted to push against him harder now that he had sprung free, but his hold controlled the speed and he had deliberately slowed. 


The feel of Amra's smooth bare skin saturating his shaft seared through him, down to his heavy balls. 

With the material gone, Amra could now feel it all.  

He rubbed her against him, coating it and simultaneously grinding it against her peak.

Her leather skirt had ridden up, and he saw no need for it anymore. 

Without letting her go, he gripped the top of her skirt and began tearing it until it joined her panties on the floor. 

MAaaate heRRr!

"Dante, please," Amra couldn't take much more of this teasing. His thrusts had grown stronger, accompanied by devilish growls.  He was still fighting for control, and Amra knew he would continue to fight unless he knew she'd be safe. 

"You won't hurt me. Please Dante, I—"

"Bring me back, angel. If I lose control, bring me back," he whispered into her ear, feeling himself sink into the back of his consciousness. His human form was long gone, and he feared Amra would regret her decision once she saw him.

I promise. He heard her swear in her thoughts.

The hot flesh of his head was now directly circling her entrance, waiting. 

He placed himself there, but didn't sink in.

"Dante?" Amra panted out. 

Abruptly, he picked her up into his arms, spun her around until she faced him and she had no choice but to try and wrap her legs around his muscular torso.

The second their eyes locked, her heart began to race. She'd seen Dante's demon before, but not like this. He wasn't hidden in the shadows. He stood before her, holding her with hands so big they could wrap around her head.

His face was sharp, canines proding out of his lips. Only a sliver of red remained in his pitch-black eyes. Large, dark horns curled back against his point ears, above his wavy ebony hair.

He held her with a devious smirk across his cheek and her body trembled with both thrill and fear. 

"HeLLOo, LiTtLe HuMannn," he growled benevolently. 

His eyes raked her body animalistic, but she was more focused on the uncertainty in his eyes, "Still want...Mmme?"

It seemed Dante was still alert, his voice coming through the gruffness of the demons.

Amra cupped his face as she leaned down to kiss her fallen angel's lips. "Yes." 

The minute those words left her mouth, the last of the red in his eyes had vanished into the abyss.

"HhOld," he lowered his head, and Amra immediately understood. As soon as she had her hands wrapped around his horns, he thrust himself straight into her tight sex, capturing her scream in a violent kiss.

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