Chapter 5

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Dante's hands ran though my hair. He grabbed my long strands, curling them around his knuckles.

His smooth lips suckled mine hard. He bit down on my lip until I tasted blood, my blood. His tongue licked over the droplets on my bottom lip.

I could feel his hot breath on my face as he pulled away slightly. His fingers traced the outline of the bite mark he had left me with.

His eyes were shimmering in red, glowing so bright.

"Fuck," he whispered under his breath.

Once again, I was attacked by his lips and his invading tongue in my mouth, but I wasn't necessarily a helpless victim.

Dante was consuming. I didn't want him to stop. I wanted more. More touch, more feel of his skin on mine.

I felt the pressure building between our grinding cores.

He kept my back flat against the wall for support as his hands grilled at the neckline of my shirt and pulled apart, tearing the material clean off my body.

My breasts were only covered by the material of my tight bra. They were pushed up, giving him a sight to marvel at.

It seemed to drive Dante mad. His lips worked down to my collar bone, stopping once he reached my breasts.

This time, I let my body take over. I didn't suppress my moans. I wanted him to hear the effect he had on me.

"Tell me." He demanded while he worked my body.

My eyes were slammed shut, lost in the pleasure.

"Tell you what?"

"Did you enjoy that kiss?"  He pushed my bra down, taking a nipple in his mouth.

"N—" Before I finished my sentence, he placed my nipple between his teeth and tugged.

"And don't lie." He added between breaths.

It was a painful ecstasy.

His little trick worked. Overjoyed with my growing bliss, I blurted out the truth.

"Yes." I moaned.

"Yes what?" He bit harder.

"Yes, I enjoyed that kiss."  I confessed, not caring that I had just given him leverage over me.

"Has any other man kissed you before?" He growled.

"N-no, not like this."

I'd had a kiss before, in the orphanage, but I was a child. This was different, unlike anything I had experienced in my adult life.

His growl sounded almost like a purr of satisfaction to my response. It would have been cute, if it hadn't been so guttural as well.

"Have you let anyone between your legs?" His questions got even more vulgar and oddly, I liked that he was being so jealous and possessive. It made me feel like I had the reins even though that was likely the opposite.

Something within me was changing. Since I woke up, I felt different.

"No, never." I moaned against his touch.

"Then I shall take it as mine."  He growled into my ear. "All fucking mine."

My body shifted, as our feet finally reached the floor. Dante kept me in his arms as he ascended the stairs.

Just as we reached the middle step, a loud scream stopped him. I opened my eyes as Dante turned around.

The blonde girl that had been on Dante earlier, was standing there, panicked.

Her hands on her bleeding neck.

"Valerie, darling. I forgot you were here." Dante's voice was deep and threatening.

There was no sarcasm or playfulness.

He set me down gently before coming to her side. The trance I was in was broken.

"The thing is, you interrupted me and I hate being interrupted." He spat.

His hand landed on her neck.

"No!" I yelled out.

Dante turned his gaze at me and smirked.

"Oh, you're going to help me get rid of our problem."

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