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"Alright get me a crash cart!" I try to stabalize the patient as they have a seizure. "Any day now! We don't have all day!"

The intern runs over with the crash cart and we turn her on her side and wait for the patient to finish seizing. 

"Can I get 10 milligrams of diazepam?!"

The nurse checks for the airway and I have the intern put in the IV. They should at least know how to do that.. right?

"Okay we are gonna run some labs and have her do a CT, and don't tell me they're backed up. You go to the front of the line, you hear me intern?"

"Yes ma'am."

I head out to the nurses station and update the patients chart. 

"Hey Lucy, is the patients parents here yet?"

"Yeah they're out in the waiting room. I told her dad that she had an accident. Her chart didn't say anything about her having epilepsy or anything like that so I didn't want to scare him." 

"Good good, thank you. Is Erick busy?"

"Yeah he's with a patient right now."

"Okay well I'm gonna go talk to them then, thanks."

To say the rest of the day was exhausting is an understatement. I have to be here by 7am and I don't get to leave until 5. I mean the 10 hour shifts are ridiculous sometimes but at least I only have to work Monday to Thursday. When I was offered the job they wanted me to work Friday and Saturday, but I said no. Their middle ground was me working longer hours.. I guess beggars can't be choosers.

I decide to take an Uber home. I walked to work this morning because it was so sunny out, but I just didn't have the energy to make it back home. It was only a 10 minute walk but I need to crash tonight.

I decided to grab a bottle of wine before going up, so I go into the CVS that's downstairs.

"Thank god for cheap wine," I whisper to myself as I walk in.

I ended up grabbing a few snacks as well. As I rounded the corner to make my way to the cash register I run into someone.

"Oof," the man in baseball cap lets out. I ran right into his chest and hit his leg. He held my arms as to not make us both fall in the middle of the aisle. 

"I am so sorry!"

He winces and chuckles, "It's not a problem, really." 

I look down at his legs. He has long gash on his left leg. It seems like some blood was slowly making its way down to his shoe.

"That looks bad, you should probably get that looked at before you get it infected."

"Nah it's fine. I just came in here to buy some gauze."

I crouch down to observe the long cut, "Well it doesn't look too deep.. but it does look like it hurt. What happened?"

"I was walking my dog in the park when this guy on a bike flew past me and cut me with the side of his bike. He must have not seen me or something.. he didn't bother to stop and see what happened."

"Dang, wow that's messed up."

"Yeah, that's why I never come into the city."

I stand up straight and try to hide the bottle of wine behind my back. 

"So are you not from around here?"

"No yeah, I live nearby but I don't come into the city much.. It's usually too overwhelming with people."

"Yeah I get that.. Well you should definitely get that looked at regardless. Wouldn't want you to get that infected."

"Right.." he glances back down at his leg, "I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Liv. You?"

"Chris, nice bumping into you," he smiled with his eyes. He had a mask on so all I could see were his piercing blue eyes.

I let out a laugh, "likewise."

"Maybe I'll bump into you again."

"Yeah maybe."

"Are you from around here?"

"Yeah I live nearby, and I work not too far from here."

"Oh really? That's nice. What do you do?"

I give him a questioning look. 

"Sorry I'm not trying to be a creep, it's just tha-"

I chuckle, "I'm just messing with ya, I'm a nurse practitioner."

"Ohh okay, yeah that makes sense now," he laughs.

Man he has a beautiful laugh... Wait is that creepy? What if this guy actually is a creep and I'm over here fawning over him. Ted Bundy was charming but he was a murderer.

"You good?" he asks.

"No yeah, I'm good. I should just get going. It's been a long day."

"Oh sorry, okay. Yeah, have a good one."

"You too."

I practically run away. I pay for my things and look over my shoulder to make sure he isn't following me. 

I let myself in to my condo and drop the things I just bought on the countertop. I change into my Grey's Anatomy pj's and crash on the couch while watching Criminal Minds.

Today is Thursday thankfully so I don't have to head into work tomorrow. Which means if I accidentally drink this whole bottle of wine it won't really be a problem. Well besides the huge hangover I'm gonna have tomorrow morning.

Although everyone always talks about how hot Derek Morgan is, I'm really only here for Spencer. Not only is he attractive, he's freaking smart. And that makes him ten times hotter. 

By the time I finished the bottle of wine I finished my chocolates as well. So I thought it'd be a good idea to have some water and Advil before bed.

I snuggle into my fluffy bed. The cool plush white covers engulfing me. 

"Thank you god for letting my pilates class be at 10 am."


Whoop! Whoop! Chapter one is done! I'm really excited for this story! What do y'all think of this chapter?

I will be updating each Friday afternoon! So keep a look out!


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