Character List

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Usually the character list is at the beginning... But there's a few characters here that would reveal the plot of the story had I posted this prior to the chapters. So here's a complete character list including MBTI and date of births if it's relevant to the character.

Olivia Tomás, FNP (INFP) - 25 years old - 01/23/1998
Northwest Academy 2015 (HS)
University of California, Los Angeles School of Nursing 2019 (BSN)
Columbia University, School of Nursing 2021 (MSN)
Nurse Practitioner - Emergency Department, Mass General 2021
Nurse Practitioner - Medical Intensive Care Unit, Boston Children's Hospital 2022

Olivia's Dad: Armando Tomás - Mexican - 09/19/1965
Olivia's Mom: Camilla Tomás - Italian - 03/21/1971
Olivia's Brother: Luca Tomás - Mexican/Italian - 08/12/1988- 10/12/2005

Chris Evans (ESFJ) - 41 years old - 06/13/1981
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School 1999 - 18 years old
Lee-Strasberg Theater and Film Institute

Chris' Mom: Lisa Capuano - Italian/Irish
Chris' Sister: Carly Evans
Chris' Brother: Scott Evans
Chris' Sister: Shanna Evans

Chris + Olivia's Children
Armie Eli Evans (INFJ) - DOB: 02/22/2025
Brown Straight Hair, Blue Eyes
Bennett Sam Evans (ENTJ) - DOB: 01/13/2026
Dark Brown Wavy Hair, Hazel Eyes
Christie Lea Evans (ENFJ) - DOB: 06/28/2027
Dirty Blonde Wavy Hair, Blue Eyes
Dean Luc Evans (ESFP) - DOB: 11/30/2028
Light Brown Straight Hair, Green Eyes

Additional Characters:
Lucy Jones - Registered Nurse - 28 years old

Erick Wilson - ER Doctor - 35 years old

Katy Davis (INFJ) - HS Best Friend - 25 years old
Lives in Bellingham, WA on a farm with husband and daughter

Olive Davis - Daughter of Katy - 3 years old
Named after Olivia

Luke Davis - Husband of Katy - 27 years old
They met through Katy's older brother, Derek. They went to college together. Owns his own construction company.

Veronica Cadwell (ENTJ) - 26 years old
Beverly Hills Design Institute 2020
Best friend and Fashion Designer - Lives in LA

Jaxon Palin (ENFP) - 26 years old
Veronica's HS Sweetheart
Surf Shop Owner

Matthew Carnahan (INFJ) - 38 years old
Psychologist, PsyD

Chrissy Jennings - 30 years old
ER Physicians Assistant

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