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It's been nearly two weeks since the game and thankfully not every patient I have encountered has been rude. But I highly doubt the elderly people I have treated go on twitter...

"Hey Liv! I'm busy with this can you go treat the patient in room 8?"

"Yeah sure," I grab a tablet and make my way down the hall.

"Excuse me?" a girl bumps into me.

"Oh sorry," I quickly apologize to the irritated girl.

"Watch where you're going," she growls.

Oh god.

"I'm sorry."

She stares at me and her eyes look like she's realized who I am.

"You're the girl from the game aren't you?"

"Uhh the game?"

"Don't play dumb, the Red Sox game with Chris."

"Oh uh yeah..?"

"Mhmm, that's what I thought," she crosses her arms as she holds her coffee. "I don't know who you think you are, but you don't deserve to be with Chris."

I stare at her wide eyed, frozen, unable to say anything back.

"What are you?" she squints at my badge. "God, you're not even a doctor."


She scoffs, "You're just a nobody, why do you think you can have a man like Chris. He deserves the best. Not some measly nurse."

I can feel tears coming to my eyes, my face feeling hot. I don't want to cry in front of this girl but my lip is quivering and tear rolls down my face. This is too much.

"Wow and you have the nerve to cry."

"You don't know what you're talking about," I barely let out.

"What was that? You have something to say?"

She laughs in my face, "You better shut up before you look like an idiot."

She uncovers the top of her coffee cup and before I know it she throws it in my face.

The hot coffee runs down my face and onto my scrubs.

"Serves you right," she sticks her nose up and walks away.

I can feel my skin burning hot, tears mixing with coffee.

I fall to my knees, everything crumbling around me.

"Liv? Liv? Are you okay?"

"Someone get me a room? Now!"

I feel Lucy pull me up to my feet and take me to a room.

I don't open my eyes, not just of embarrassment, but I think I have coffee in them.

"Oh honey, let's clean you up and get you some new scrubs."


Lucy got me all cleaned up and I decided to go home instead of staying the rest of the morning.

I get in my car, the sun is shinning.

I let out a breath slowly.

"It's all going to be okay. I'll be okay."

The drive home isn't particularly long and as I pass the park I can't help to stare at the trees.

"It's gonna be okay."

And that's the last thing I say before finding my car crushed against a tree.


Early post but short chapter. Sorry! But a little jam packed with drama.

I'm gonna be leaving y'all on a cliffhanger... but oh well... I enjoy a good cliffhanger ;)


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