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Matt was right. He usually was. Well he always was. I needed to grieve. Properly grieve. I need to cry and let out the pent up emotions. And I need live my life. I couldn't keep people at a distance over the fear of loosing them. That was unrealistic.

So when Chris asked me out in the middle of the dental aisle in a CVS I said yes. He seemed like a decent guy, he was nice, and a good listener. He obviously cared about his family so he couldn't be a complete weirdo. And he waited. It's been three months and he waited all this time just to ask me out.

Although I'm mostly nervous, I don't regret my decision. Well as of now.

Plus we don't have to go out right away. I'm sure he's a busy guy, so it's not like he's gonna ask me to go out tomorrow.

Unknown Number - Hey it's Chris! This is my number!

Oh that was quick.

I set my phone down and go change into my pajamas. I was gonna try to get in a few more episodes of criminal minds before going to sleep.

Liv :) - Hey Chris! I'll make sure to save your number :)

Chris - Cool. So I was thinking if you're free tomorrow maybe we can go try out that place you suggested?

Geez he was real quick! I have work tomorrow anyways so I couldn't go out even if I wanted to... Hopefully he was willing to wait a few more days.

Liv :) - Oh man, I can't tomorrow. Since I've been gone so many days I'm working overtime these next few days. I'm free next Friday though? If that works..

Chris - Yeah that works. Friday at 6?

Liv :) - Friday at 6 is perfect.

Chris - Great! I'll pick you up


The following week dragged on, like literally. I was in the hospital almost all day and there weren't even that many patients. So when Friday morning came around I was relieved to have the rest of the weekend off.

I slept in, had some waffles for breakfast. I even went for a walk. By the time I came back it was 3pm so I took a shower and debated on what to wear. I was inclined to call Ronnie but I didn't want her making a fuss about me going out on a date. I decided to just call her, it's not like I'm not gonna call afterwards anyways.

I look up Ronnie in my phone and FaceTime her.

"Hey what's up?"

"Hey Ronnie, I need some help.."

I told her about Chris and how he asked me out. I explained I needed an outfit and yet again I was totally oblivious on what to wear.

"Oh my goodness! This is so exciting!" I can see her pacing back and forth and beaming at me from the other side of the screen. "Okay, okay, show me your closet. What do we have to work with?"

I move the camera to my closet. I'm kind of a minimalist so I don't have many options, most of my clothes consist of neutral colors and casual styles.

"I know there aren't many options, but this is what I've got."

"Girl when I come over I'm going to take you shopping," I laugh, I'm sure whenever she comes she's gonna drag me to every store in the area. "What about the clothes you bought when you came over here?"

"Oh right. I haven't taken them out of their bags..."


"I know," I whine, "I just don't have anywhere to go, I spend almost all my time in the hospital. I don't have a social life."

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