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To say I woke up with a headache is the understatement of the year. I felt my brain literally throbbing and I felt like throwing myself off the roof to get it to stop.

Thankfully when I opened my eyes Chris already had water and medicine at my bedside.

I downed the water and I tried to step out of the bed. I felt like the floor was spinning so I took a second to take a breath and finally stood up.

I can hear voices coming from the kitchen so I make my way over.

"Do you think she knows?"

"Nah, I've kept this under wraps for a while."

"Good, so how are we gonna go about this? Should we go get ready and you can-"

I turn the corner and everyone stops to look at me.

"Good morning everyone," I make my way over to the coffee machine.

"Coffee is ready over there hun," Chris points at the mug on the countertop.

"Ugh I love you thank you," I grab it and take a seat.

Ronnie is sipping on her coffee and an awkward silence settles in.

"So what were you guys talking about?"

"Uhh..." Ronnie's eye go back and forth from Chris and I.

Chris lets out a sigh as het sets down his spatula.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, but I was planning a dinner with Scar and a few friends. I wanted to surprise you with inviting some of friends..."

"Aww honey that's so sweet of you, planning all these surprises for me," I walk over to him and give him a big hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and places a kiss on my head.

"So then what are we starting with first? I can help you make dinner," I look up at him.

"No you don't have to worry about that. Scar is gonna come over and help me with setting up and I'll have Jax here to help me out with the heavy lifting. Why don't you go out with Ronnie and get ready, you know do your nails and hair and whatnot."

"Oh I don't think that's ne-"

"Omg! Yes! Let's do it! We should go out and get ready. We can't be looking like this when half of the Marvel cast shows up," she gestures to herself. "Come on! It'll be fun."

"Okay fine, fine, I'll go. But only because you probably invited Tom and I don't want to look like I'm still hung over from yesterday."

Chris gives me a look, "You mean little Tom right?"

I smile and walk away.

"You mean little Tom right?!" He shouts.


"Okay so we're gonna go get our hair done, then we can go get our nails done."

"Do you know any good places?"

I shake my head, "I hardly have time to sleep-"

Ronnie wiggles her eyebrows.

"Much less time to go out and get my hair and nails done. Plus it's not like I've been here long enough to know where all the good places are."

"Well I just found a nice spa we can go to," she holds up her phone. "I'll give you directions."

"Alright, sounds good," I'm already on the road heading to Boston, I figured that's where we were going to find a place anyways.

"So... Have you and Chris... You know?" she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at me.

"No, I mean. No Ronnie, I'm not talking about this."

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