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Before I could even open I eyes I felt her within my arms. She smells like lavender and honey. And when I finally look at her I see her hair all sprawled out.

Her dark hair glowed against the sun shinning through the window. And her long lashes fluttered against her cheek. She was breathtaking.

Her mouth hung open a little and I laughed at how cute she looked.

I never want to leave her side. I wish it could just be us two alone in our bubble. And I really want to stay in our bubble as long as possible.

I sigh at just the thought of it. Of one day having to deal with the press.

I give her a quick kiss on her forehead and gently place her down.

I go into the kitchen and start making us some breakfast. I was debating between pancakes and waffles, but waffles sounded more like her. I made some eggs and bacon as well, and started the coffee machine.

I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but Liv's got to have her coffee when she wakes up. She said she needs it to "function". I laugh, everything about her brings a smile to my face. Even the things I don't understand about her.

I hum to I Feel Pretty as I finish up our breakfast. I set out an orange juice for myself and I get some fruit from the fridge.

"Are you humming to West Side Story?"

I turn around to find Liv laughing.

"Maybe...," I smirked, "Maybe not."

She keeps laughing as she walks up behind me and gives me a hug. Her small arms barely getting around me.

"So I see you made us breakfast. Looks pretty yummy."

"Yeah I wasn't sure whether to make pancakes or waffles, but I figured you'd be a waffle person."

"Ugh you know me too well," I felt her smile against my back.

"Come on lets eat honey."

I walk her over to the island and pull out the chair for her.

"Dig in, I made you some coffee too."

"You are too perfect, thank you!"

I hand her the mug and she grabs my face to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're very much welcome," I smile back at her. I pour myself some orange juice and sit across from her.

"Mmm this is heavenly, thank you Chris."

"Glad you like it," I give her a smirk.

"So what are we doing today?"

"That... is a surprise."

"Aww come on! Why can't you ever tell me what we're gonna do?"

"Because I love seeing your face when you're surprised."

She rolls her eyes, "Hey one of these days I'm gonna give you a surprise."

I laugh, "I'm looking forward to it."

"Okay can you at least tell me how I should dress?"

"Mmm... probably something warm. But not anything stuffy you'll want to be able to move around."

"Well that's oddly specific..."

"Hey you wanted to know," I said as I took a bite of a waffle.

"Alright, alright, so are you gonna take me home or...?"

"Once we finish I'll go change and then I can take you home so you can change and we can go from there."

"Sounds like a plan!" she smiles as she drinks her coffee.

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