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Liv didn't have any Red Sox gear so I happily gave her a jersey of mine she could wear for the game. She looked beautiful when she came out of her room with my jersey and her hair pulled back.

I let out a low whistle and she blushes.

"Looking good babe!"

"Thanks, I borrowed the jersey from a friend."

I raise an eyebrow.

"A friend you say? Do I know this friend?" I ask as I get closer to her and wrap my hands around her waist.

"Yeah he's just a friend. Nice guy, you'd probably like him," she shrugs.

"Hmm, well if he likes the Red Sox I already like him."

She laughs and hits my chest with her little hands.

I take her hands into mine and intertwine our fingers.

"You ready?"

She nods.

"Perfect let's go beautiful," I pull on her hand and she snatches her bag as we head out.

I invited Seb to the game with us and luckily he said he'd be able to make it. He's not huge on baseball but we'll have a good time together, we always do.

I pull in to the stadium and park off to the side, making sure I can go through the VIP entrance that goes up to the boxes.

I hand Liv one of my caps and she puts it on, sliding on some sunglasses as well.

"Fast learner I see."

She chuckles, "Come on, let's go."

She hops out of the car and I follow behind. I take her hand in mine and walk up to the entrance.

I hand the guy at the gate my pass and our tickets and he lets us through.

As soon as we step through we see a crowd of people waiting around. I keep my hat low hoping no one recognizes us but two girls run up to us.

"Oh my god! Can we get a picture please?"

"Sure," I smile.

"Here I can take the picture for you guys," Liv lets go of our hands and takes the girls phone.

She snaps a few pictures and as soon as she hands them their phone back, more people show up. I took pictures with five different people before Liv and I could slip away.

"Phew," I let out a breath. "You okay?"

Liv nods her face looking less than excited.

"I don't usually mind taking pictures with fans, but I'd rather not overwhelm you. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah I'm alright. It's just so weird seeing how many people want to take pictures with you..." She laughs awkwardly and makes her way up the stairs.

I stand there for a second staring up the stairs. Yeah I guess it is weird for her, it's probably gonna take her a while to get used to all the pictures, and the stares. It sure took me a long time.

I eventually follow her up the stairs and guide her to our box.

"Dude that was forever ago!"

"Well yeah, but that doesn't matter."

"Ah come on!"

Scott looks over to us, "Saved by the bell aren't ya."

Seb smiles and walks over to us, "Long time no see man."

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